DigitalEd: How to Build and Teach an Online Course

    by Stacy Forster
    September 21, 2016
    Sign up for DigitalEd's training on how to build and teach an online course.
    How to Build and Teach an Online Course
    December 7, 1:00 pm EST

    Title: How to Build and Teach an Online Course

    Instructor: Stacy Forster, Associate Faculty Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Learn how to design and teach an online course


    New technology and tools are transforming the learning experience, creating new opportunities — and challenges —  for educators at high schools, community colleges, and four-year universities.

    In this online training, you’ll learn how to organize a course and plan modules in a learning management system — whether you’re transitioning an existing course or starting one from scratch. You’ll also get a chance to try out tech tools to enhance the online educational experience, understand how to develop relationships with students in an online environment and discover new techniques for creating robust discussion among students in the class.

    What you’ll learn from this training:

    1. How to plan a multimedia online course
    2. How to use different technology to deliver content to students
    3. Tips for how to liven up online discussions and strengthen relationships with students
    4. Strategies for managing the work of teaching online


    • Slides from online training

    Who should take this training:

    • Educators who are thinking about teaching an online course
    • Educators who have been teaching online and are looking for new ideas

    Date and Time: October 12, 2016 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT

    Price: $39

    Register now for the online training!

    Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.

    About the Instructor:

    Stacy Forster teaches classes in journalism and strategic communication in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also serves as moderator for the #EdShift Twitter chats. Stacy participated in the TeachOnline@UW learning community and is in the process of building an online course on visual storytelling and data visualization.

    Tagged: digitaled online education online teaching stacy forster

    One response to “DigitalEd: How to Build and Teach an Online Course”

    1. Cynthia Nixon says:

      Stacy, I’ve got some high school teachers wanting to start online high school courses. Would this be applicable to them, or is this geared more toward higher ed?

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    DigitalEd is a series of live online media trainings offered by MediaShift in partnership with top journalism and communication schools. We offer real-world training for the digital age. Check them out!

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