Special Series: 2016 Year in Review

by Courtney Lowery Cowgill
December 15, 2016
Creative Commons photo.

It was a monumental year for the media business. And so as we wrap up 2016, we are keen to hear what experts in the field have to say about the big stories and the big shifts in the industry.

This year’s collection of year-end stories includes looks at journalism education, metrics, social media, podcasting, engagement journalism, news in the Middle East and predictions for the media business in 2017.

Reach out (courtney.mediashift-at-gmail.com) if you want to contribute your own look back, or forward.


Series Posts:

> Top 10 Media Stories of 2016: Fake News, ‘Trump Bump’ for Publishers, Big Video Push, by Bianca Fortis
> 10 Media Metrics Predictions for 2017, by Jason Alcorn
> #EdShift Chat: 2016 Year in Review, by Stacy Forster
> Grading 10 Media Metrics Predictions for 2016, by Tim Cigelske
> MediaShift Podcast #216: 2016 Year in Review: Rise of Fake News; Love/Hate Social Platforms; CNET’s Connie Guglielmo, hosted by Mark Glaser
> Guest Post: Parse.ly: Facebook is the Referral Traffic Story of 2016, by Allie VanNest
> Top #EdShift Tech Tools of 2016: Facebook Live, Slack, Snapchat, by Stacy Forster
> 5 Ways ‘Engaged Journalism’ Made Progress in 2016, by Ben DeJarnette
> The 6 Big Shifts in Social Media in 2016, by Dena Levitz
> Storyclash’s Top Social Media Interactions for Publishers and Stories in 2016, Storyclash
> 10 Social Media Lessons from the Middle East in 2016, by Damian Radcliffe
> The State of Video in 2016: Social Video, Mobile Video, Heavy Competition, by Simone Kovacs, Storyhunter

Coming Soon:

> Predictions for The Media Business in 2017, by Dorian Benkoil

Previous Years in Review

Year in Review 2015
Year in Review 2014
Year in Review 2013
Year in Review 2012
Year in Review 2011
Year in Review 2010
Media Mavens Wish for More Collaboration, Less Talk in 2010 by Craig Silverman
Most Popular MediaShift Posts of 2009 by Mark Glaser
Top 10 MediaShifting Stories of 2008 by Mark Glaser


Other Coverage From Across the Web:

Predictions for Journalism 2017, Nieman Lab

So, #ThisHappened on Twitter in 2016, CNET

The Worst Tweets Of 2016, Deadspin

Fake News is a Convenient Scapegoat, But the Big 2016 Problem Was the Real News, Vox

Newsonomics: The 2016 media year by the numbers, and a look toward 2017, Nieman Lab

Best of media corrections, 2016 edition, Poynter

The New York Times’ Most-Read Stories of 2016, New York Times

Facebook, Google, Consolidation: What Drove Media Deals in 2016, Digiday

Courtney Lowery Cowgill is a writer, editor, teacher and farmer. As an editor, she works as the managing editor of MediaShift. As a teacher, she’s an adjunct professor at the University of Montana School of Journalism, specializing in teaching feature writing, legislative reporting, rural journalism and online journalism. Formerly, she was the editor in chief of the now shuttered online magazine NewWest.Net, which she co-founded.

Tagged: 2016 2016 year in review mediashift year in review

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