Why CNN Will Be All In on Kik on Election Night
(Jeanine Poggi / AdAge)
Users have exchanged 17.6 million messages with the CNN bot.
How The Verge is Building a News Site for the Distributed Age
(Joseph Lichterman / NiemanLab)
One publisher’s answer to the platforms dilemma.
My Reading List as a Data Scientist
(Chris Choy / Medium)
If you read Sexy Little Numbers, let us know how it is.
Your Fall 2016 Guide to Facebook Publishing
An all-in-one resource for all you Facebook page managers.
The Potential and Pitfalls of Email Newsletters
(Andrew Jack / Reuters Institute)
We love them now but what about user fatigue and saturation?
From MetricShift
How I Built a #MetricShiftBot by Tim Cigelske
How Much is Investigative Journalism Worth? by Lindsay Green-Barber
4 Things Newsrooms Can Learn from Nonprofits About Impact by Jason Tomassini
#MetricShift Chat: The Metrics of Fact and Fiction by Tim Cigelske
Impact Tracking in Action: Build Your Own Impact Taxonomy With Chalkbeat’s MORIby Ryan Sholin
MetricShift Stakeholder Report Worksheet for Nonprofit News by Jason Alcorn
Upcoming Trainings & Events
> Social Media for Crowdfunding [Nov. 2]
> Facebook Live for Journalists and Publishers [Nov. 10]
> How to Make News Bots Work For You [Nov. 16]
> Smarter Audience Analytics for Journalists [Nov. 30]
Jason Alcorn (@jasonalcorn) is the Metrics Editor for MediaShift. In addition to his work with MediaShift, he works as a consultant with non-profits and newsrooms.