Welcome to the 49th episode of the Mediatwits podcast, with Mark Glaser and Dorian Benkoil as co-hosts. Today is the day for the Facebook IPO, so we’ve got it covered like a wet blanket. Special guests Debra Aho Williamson of eMarketer and Troy Young of SAY Media talk over the ins and outs of Facebook as it soars into the ionosphere. What are its possible weaknesses? Why is its ad revenue outlook falling short? Plus, it’s Internet Week in the Big Apple, and Dorian and Troy are there. What are ad folks talking about, outside of the Facebook IPO?
Plus, it’s web awards season time, and that means five-word acceptance speeches at the 16th annual Webby Awards, being streaming online on Monday. Special guest David-Michel Davies tells us why the awards will be even better this year, with geeky humorist Patton Oswalt hosting. But guest Josh Seifert thinks that digital awards can do better, and gives his own criticism of the Webbys and other advertising awards.
Check it out!
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Intro and outro music by 3 Feet Up; mid-podcast music by Autumn Eyes via Mevio’s Music Alley.

Here are some highlighted topics from the show:
0:30: Dorian Benkoil co-hosting from Internet Week in NYC
1:30: Is there another tech bubble? Different this time
3:00: Facebook IPO leads to real estate, luxury car boom in Silicon Valley
4:00: Rundown of stories on podcast
Facebook IPO and Internet Week
4:40: Special guests Debra Aho Williamson and Troy Young
7:00: Williamson: CNBC devoted all coverage yesterday to Facebook

9:10: Williamson: Facebook controls tons of data about people
11:15: Young: Question is how much advertisers will spend on Facebook
14:00: Williamson: Facebook’s data store could be exciting… or scary
15:00: Dorian: Internet Week includes ad business movers and shakers
16th Webby Awards
16:25: Special guests David-Michel Davies and Josh Seifert
18:10: Davies: Webbys go beyond just the web
20:00: Seifert: Advertising online isn’t so great
22:30: Davies: We’ve given out awards for more than just ads

25:10: Davies: Partnering with Buzzfeed to name “Meme of the Year”
More Reading
Flashy wheels hit Silicon Valley streets ahead of Facebook IPO at LA Times
15 Stats About Facebook at Experian Hitwise
Several brokerages stop taking Facebook IPO orders at Reuters
Still Smiling, Eduardo? Senators Schumer, Casey Want To Collect Your $67M In Facebook Taxes Anyway at TechCrunch
Global and Social: Facebook’s Rise Around the World at Nielsen blog
What I saw in Zuckerberg’s bungalow at Fortune

Made In New York: Mayor Bloomberg shows off NYC’s vibrant tech scene with an online map at VentureBeat
Facebook IPO doesn’t mean the end of privacy at CNET
SAY Media to grow digital business with new exec role at Digital Market Asia
Patton Oswalt to Host 16th Annual Webby Awards at AdRants
Op-Ed: What’s Wrong with Digital Awards at AgencySpy
Vote For The Webby Awards’ Meme Of The Year at BuzzFeed
Weekly Poll
Don’t forget to vote in our weekly poll, this time about the Facebook IPO:
Mark Glaser is executive editor of MediaShift and Idea Lab. He also writes the bi-weekly OPA Intelligence Report email newsletter for the Online Publishers Association. He lives in San Francisco with his son Julian. You can follow him on Twitter @mediatwit. and Circle him on Google+