DigitalEd: Social Media for Crowdfunding

    by Julie Keck
    October 3, 2016
    Learn how to use social media to boost your next crowdfunding campaign in DigitalEd's training on Nov. 2, 2016.

    Title: Social Media for Crowdfunding

    Social Media for Crowdfunding
    November 2, 10:00 am PDT

    Instructor: Julie Keck, Media & Communications Director, Seed&Spark

    Find out how to use social media to meet your crowdfunding goals


    Social media gets a bad rep for being a solipsistic medium (and crowdfunding for being, you know, beggy), but I have to let you in on a little secret: it’s just about relationships and good business. In this session, learn why social media skills are essential to a successful crowdfunding campaign, how to be a responsible social media citizen, how to plan your social media for an effective campaign, and how to run a campaign that helps you build your audience, raise money, and continue doing what you love the most.

    What you’ll learn from this training:

    1. Why social media is important for crowdfunding
    2. How to prepare your social media audience for your crowdfunding campaign
    3. How to crowdfunding on social media without out turning it into the ‘me’ show
    4. How to use your social media accounts after your campaign to continue the life of your project


    • Social Media Charm School (Link)

    Who should take this training:

    • Those curious about crowdfunding
    • Those interested in ramping up their social media presence prior to a crowdfunding campaign
    • Those interested in using social media as an entrepreneur

    Date and Time: Nov. 2nd, 2016 at 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT

    Price: $39

    Register now for the online training!

    Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.

    About the Instructor:

    Julie Keck is the Media & Communications Director for Seed&Spark, a crowdfunding platform for filmmakers. Since 2010, crowdfunding campaigns she’s run or consulted on have raised over $300k. Julie is the co-author of Social Media Charm School, free on Seed&Spark, and currently speaks about crowdfunding across the country on Seed&Spark’s #StayIndieTour. Play with Julie on Twitter (@kingisafink); she’ll play back.

    Tagged: crowdfunded journalism crowdfunding digitaled julie keck Seed&Spark

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