DigitalEd: Facebook Live for Journalists and Publishers

    by Dale Blasingame
    September 23, 2016
    Sign up for DigitalEd's training on how to use Facebook Live in your newsroom.
    Facebook Live for Journalists and Publishers
    November 10, 1:00 pm EST

    Title: Facebook Live for Journalists and Publishers

    Instructor: Dale Blasingame, senior lecturer, Texas State University

    Making the most of your Facebook Live broadcasts


    Facebook Live started as a live broadcasting experiment for celebrity accounts, but it has quickly exploded into one of the biggest drivers of time spent using Facebook. Since its launch in summer of 2015, Facebook has consistently tweaked and expanded the Facebook Live experience – from making it available for all accounts to adding live reactions/filters to offering advanced metrics for pages broadcasting live.

    So what makes an engaging, high-quality Facebook Live broadcast? This training will explore what news organizations like NPR and AJ+ are doing to maximize their investment in Facebook Live. In addition, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how success can be measured on Facebook Live. (Here’s a hint: It’s more than simple numbers.)

    What you’ll learn from this training:

    1. How newsrooms are successfully utilizing Facebook Live
    2. How newsrooms are measuring success on Facebook Live
    3. Steps to a successful Facebook Live broadcast
    4. The types of broadcasts possible on Facebook Live


    Who should take this training:

    • Facebook Live users
    • Journalists interested in using Facebook Live
    • Journalism educators

    Date and Time: October 20, 2016 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT

    Price: $39

    Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.

    Register now for the online training!

    About the Instructor:

    Dale Blasingame is a senior lecturer in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. He teaches digital journalism courses, including classes covering the fundamentals of digital media, web design and publishing, digital media entrepreneurship and social media analytics. Prior to teaching, Blasingame spent nine years as a TV news producer and won two regional Emmy awards. More information at daleblasingame.net.

    Tagged: dale blasingame digitaled facebook facebook live live video streaming video

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