DigitalEd: Advanced Smartphone Videography

    by Kyle Brannon
    March 4, 2016
    Advanced Smartphone Filmmaking
    April 27, 1:00 pm EDT

    Title: Advanced Smartphone Videography

    Instructor: Kylos Brannon, Assistant Professor, American University

    Lenses, tools and tips to shoot like a pro with your phone


    Most of us have an effective filmmaking tool on our person these days: the smartphone.  With some simple tools and tricks, you can extend the range of your mobile camera and overcome obstacles like lensing, camera shake and lighting. Learn how to take full control of your smartphone camera and film like a pro wherever you are.

    We’ll get a hands-on look at some affordable equipment options that will radically improve your videography like lenses, rigs, stabilizers and DSLR lens adaptors. Kylos will walk you through a range of options and show you how to combine them effectively and what settings and styles to use to get the best shots. Take full advantage of the amazing tool in your pocket and turn your phone into a production camera.

    What you’ll learn from this training:

    1. Avoid shaky footage and shearing
    2. Shoot with post-production in mind
    3. Extend the range and capacity of your mobile video to professional quality
    4. Level up with consumer and prosumer add-ons without breaking the bank

    Who should take this training:

    • Those with casual experience who want to improve their approach
    • Anyone with a micro-budget project they want to get off the ground
    • Journalists and media pros who want to get great footage from their smartphone

    Date and Time: Mar 23 2015 at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT

    Price: $39

    Register for this training now!

    Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.

    About the Instructor:

    Kyle “Kylos” Brannon is an assistant professor of Film and Media Arts. He is a filmmaker, motion graphic designer, and VJ. His work with exhibit media has appeared in the Brown v. Board National Historic Site, the US Botanical Gardens, Historic Jamestowne, the National Constitution Center and other spaces around the country. He specializes in emerging media, including trends in smartphone filmmaking, motion graphics, online media production, and live video art. He produced the award-winning web series Stage Fright for NBC4 and American University and is currently in production for a documentary to be shot partially through smartphone production.


    Tagged: american university filmmaking iphone kylos brannon mobile journalism mobile reporting training

    One response to “DigitalEd: Advanced Smartphone Videography”

    1. It is a marketer skill after all. Well captured videos using the smart phone for content marketing is essential to maintain that organic feel… Something that I lack.

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