Daily Must Reads, June 2, 2015

by Julie Keck
June 2, 2015

1. Social media: Local TV for the next generation? (Amy Mitchell, Jeffrey Gottfried & Katerina Eva Matsa / Pew Research Center)

2. Build-your-own Netflix: Vimeo On Demand introduces monthly subscriptions (Mic Wright / The Next Web)

3. AFP: All journalists need to be able to shoot and edit video (Abigail Edge / Journalism.co.uk)


4. Four journalism projects that let the audience decide what to cover (Dena Levtiz / IJNet)

5. Supreme Court reverses conviction in Facebook threat case (Mario Trujillo / The Hill)

6. NYC.TV goes local to fix the video discovery problem (Ricardo Bilton / Digiday)


7. The Arctic’s Internet is so expensive that people mail the Web on USB drives (Jordan Pearson / Motherboard)


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Tagged: arctic audience participation facebook internet local news millennials netflix online harassment pew research subscription model supreme court vimeo on demand

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