The best stories across the web on media and technology
1. Amazon launches free e-book borrowing for Prime members (CNET Reviews)
2. New study links video gaming to creativity (CNET News)
3. Square launches Card Case, hands-free payments on iPhone (GigaOM)
4. Only 1/5 of U.S. home entertainment market is digital (SplatF)
5. Adobe “quietly positioning itself to become a major player in Web advertising” (AllThingsD)
6. Downloading mobile apps is popular; using them less so (Knight Digital Media Center)
7. The Wall Street Journal adds Google TV, Roku, Apple TV, YouTube to digital video distribution (Lost Remote)
8. Leveraging a “teaching hospital model” in journalism education (New America Foundation)
9. Magazine publishers look to book industry for digital sales strategy (FolioMag)
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10. One more reason for journalists to consider using Google+ (Google News Blog)