Winter Games Photo Essay 12

by Kris Krug
February 1, 2010

– Go to Photo 11

Johnny Weir & kk

A final, fun note: I had a chance to interview U.S. figure skater href=”” title=”Olympic Figure Skater Johnny Weir Twitter”>Johnny Weir, and the entire interview can be found here. This shot of us together was taken by John Biehler.


Kris Krüg is a designer, writer, photographer, and webmonkey based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Constantly challenging himself by shooting diverse subjects from emerging rock bands to dot-com execs, Kris uses his engaging personality to break down the barriers between lens and subject. Kris is a fervent evangelist for open culture and Creative Commons licensing and frequently speaks at conferences and the media about the blurring lines between pro and amateur, shifting copyright standards and using technology to promote and share artistic work. Kris realizes art isn’t created in a vacuum and a vibrant community is key for culture to flourish. With this in mind, he organizes photowalks and workshops for newbies and veterans alike to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Tagged: flickr ioc photo essay vancouver winter olympics

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