I will be joined by an all-star lineup of new media experts, academics, and social media gurus to look at how online coverage of Election Day is going — with pointers to the most innovative mashups, maps, video blogs and more. The plan is to chat today from 10:30 am to around 9 pm Pacific Time. Be sure to join us and add your comment or question to the mix.
Schedule for Guests
(All times Pacific Time)
11 am to 12 pm: Andy Carvin, NPR
12 pm to 12:20 pm: Micah Sifry, TechPresident
12:20 pm to 1 pm: Robert Cox, Media Bloggers Association
1 pm to 2 pm: Alice Robison, ASU & Joshua Green, MIT
2 pm to 3 pm: Heather Gold, Subvert.com
3 pm to 4 pm: Andrew Malcolm, LA Times, Top of the Ticket blog
4 pm to 5 pm: Elizabeth Gotsdiner, PurpleStates.tv & Henry Jenkins, MIT
5 pm to 6 pm: Marc Cooper, Huffington Post/Off the Bus
6 pm to 7 pm: JD Lasica, Socialmedia.biz
7 pm to 8 pm: Dan Gillmor, ASU
8 pm to 9 pm: David Cohn, Spot.us
Jay Rosen, NYU, will stop by when possible…
Obama is going to win by the biggest landslide ever!!
If Obama wins then… this world is going to go down FAST! He is going to get everyone killed, don’t you see that?
Frankly, i think they both suck.
Brittney…do you really believe that obamas gonna have us all killed? All of us? Really? just curious, how old are you?
Obama has to win… for the world to regain what little respect it has for America and Americans in general it would be nice for somebody to hold office who is, literate, thoughtful, and doesn’t think evolution is an option. America is a huge embarrassment for rational thought.
Republican Spin Cycle All Washed Up
One of the highlight’s of McCain’s convention speech included the gem, “Washington isn’t for the special insiders or moneyed lobbyists.”
Yeah? So what were you doing there, Senator McCain, for your entire legislative career? You are a Washington insider, Senator McCain, the darling of the lobbyists, and your voting record reflects this…never mind your address! You really think getting elected is just a matter of pretending to be from out of town?
Bush ran this country into the ground…so it’s all gonna be o.k. if we vote for McCain? The guy whose voting record supported everything Bush did on economics and foreign policy? McCain himself, when pressed, admits that he supported every move Bush made. Some “maverick”: he’s Bush’s anointed, endorsed successor. Of course, a real maverick would have refused the endorsement.
McCain is endorsed by Bush, approves of Bush’s policies, and is a staunch Republican. But elect McCain and Things Will Be Different, Honey? Excuse me? What, it’s been a fun ride with Bush and we’d really like to try it with the next chip off the ol’ Republican block? No, thank you. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and currently, the Republican tree has a lot of rotten economic apples. If you want change, pick a different tree.
And for those who feel that Sarah Palin somehow negates all the McCain-Bush Baggage, think again. We gave undue weight to the choice of V.P. with Bush, and ended up with Vice President Cheney running “Vietnam: The Sequel”. Oh, joy. Sarah Palin is the same old approach the Republican Party took with Colin Powell. “Look, look, we have the right face in the right place!” Never mind they’re selling the same old crap.
If you want things to improve, vote for a real change. Not the same old Republican laundry detergent in a new label. Spin cycle, anyone?
Where will the media hang their “Mission Accomplished” banner tonight? 30 Rock?
You can watch Dan Gillmor At University of Thessaloniki’s Congress http://tinyurl.com/dangill
Pennsylvania and New England just went Obama…I can breathe a tad bit easier now….time for a cocktail and let’s grab a traditionally Red State
Lots of Twitter folks following quick, early TV calls. Not sure that’s a good thing.
Obama: Yes We Did!!!!
Yes he did, folks! Say hello to President Elect Barack Obama. Now, can he pull off the hat trick? President Obama is now responsible for restoring America’s economy, Americans’ faith in themselves, and America’s place in the world. Yes, Obama has won…a shot at the toughest job in the world. There’s a lot of work to do. Let’s get on with it.