What TV shows would you watch on your computer?

    by Mark Glaser
    August 22, 2006

    The worlds of TV and the Internet are colliding once more, but unlike in the late ’90s, now they have a chance for a peanut butter/chocolate sweet match. Back then, WebTV was a failed experiment at getting people to web surf on their TV sets, while online TV or movies looked horrible on computers with slow Internet connections. But now with broadband becoming more widespread, TV networks have been pushing more content to the Net. ABC started selling episodes of hit shows on iTunes, and streaming shows on its own site. CBS recently announced it would stream shows online in the fall, and would stream the new “CBS Evening News with Katie Couric” simultaneously online while it plays on TV. But is this something you really want? Do you watch TV shows on your computer — when and why? And which shows do you watch on the computer? Would you rather pay for these shows or watch commercials? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and I’ll post the best ones in next week’s Your Take Roundup.

    Tagged: comments computers tv

    17 responses to “What TV shows would you watch on your computer?”

    1. mike dunn says:

      easy one – i use tivo-to-go to put stargate sg-1 onto my laptop so i can watch them on my daily train commute or frequent plane trips to one of our properties…

      i’m the only one in my household who likes the show, so its the best way for me to get my fix…

      i also use a slingbox to watch tivo or live tv on my laptop when i’m on the road – even works fine over evdo, though the broader the network the better of course…

    2. Michael Bartley says:

      I would certainly include the HBO “DEADWOOD” series as one to view. I have found the viewing fascinating, i.e. the verbage, the attention to detail and overall character development.
      Thank You,

    3. Rottenbucher says:

      When I am at work, I may watch clips on my computer from the cable stations, but I’m not going to pay cable/internet fees to watch something I can already watch on my TV for free. I’ll endure ads than shell out $100+ a month.

    4. lara beth says:

      I already watch the Today Show , media clips/videos on computers.If the television should become obsolete, I wouldn’t miss it.

    5. Stan Wexler says:

      Sorry to say I do not have cable TV so if you are including sports as a TV show I would probably watch Tennis and certainly Baseball on the computer.

    6. Given the net is a great archive and distribution mechanism, I would like to watch old classics, like The Honey Mooners, Sargeant Bilko and The Odd Couple.

      Situation comedies like this suit digital compression because the frames don’t change all that much since there is not that much dramatic movement.

      I also like their timeless humour. It is a shame that media companies like AOL are not supporting Mac users and are still insisting on separating views by region. I would recommend that readers check out the wealth of public domain content on Veoh Networks in particular.

    7. I would have to say I would be more likely to watch a show that is no more :30 minutes. With that, I would most certainly watch Entourage.

    8. John Adams says:

      I would like to watch Beverly hills 90210

    9. Carol Hunter-Inman says:

      I tried to download the Frontline show called “Living Elderly”. It would not finish downloading. It also woud not play the sound. I have a macpro. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing to get the program to work. Do you have to be a member? Do you have to “burn” it onto a disc?

    10. Scott says:

      It should be shown for free, without commercials. Why, most talk shows are only that; talk. More talk without content or pertinent infomation is being generated every day without accomplishment or productivity. Heck, it’s rarely entertaining to listen to much less watch. Although site like this are a bit different. It was the short sited over-reaction of our nation to 911 that cause our adversarial party system to fall into a concenses that has proven disasterous.
      Healthy debate, and our adversarial nature trim the fat, sharpens our minds and reflexes. 911 will forever be a victory for terrorism as long as we as a nation continue to use poor judgement as a result.

    11. everybody loves raymond says:

      I would like to watch everybody loves raymond beacause it is one of my favorite shows

    12. Jim says:

      I love Jim it is one of the best shows

    13. sabrina says:


      My name is Sabrina Djouder, a senior year student majoring in Marketing Business living in Paris in France. I write to you because I am writing my thesis about the The new status of TV shows versus Blockbusters.
      As you know, there is an increasing rate of very good TV shows such as Prison Break, Sopranos etc recently.
      Those TV shows are turning into not only an entertainment but also a certain reflection about the societies whether blockbusters recently with Superman etc have seen their scripts very stereotyped and not very creative.
      I am looking for some professional views about this trend and I was thinking we could set up a phone interview.Of course, for the moment you could reach me by email sabrina_djouder@yahoo.fr



    14. jb says:

      I want to watch Charles in Charge!

    15. Robert says:

      Personally, to me the best part about watching TV series online is the ability to catch up with the TV series so I can watch it on TV and know what has happened in the past.

      I could ofcource buy the DVD, but buying 4-5 seasons is too expensive to even concider. Personally I hope there will be a site that has short commercials inbetween the series. Like on real TV. As long as they restrict them.

    16. maggie says:

      tee hee

    17. ronen says:

      I just love to see TV on my pc, but the sad true is most of them are not working like they promise, i spent more that 200$ to check them all, and i found that the best one is internet tv and satellite from http://www.vipdeals.info/products/STV

      Because it lets you add your own channels, see pay per view channels for free, and more good and helpful options, so i recommend people not to get burned like me, don’t spend your money for nothing, this one is working with almost every computer, It worked even on my laptop, and i have a very old laptop.

      Hope this helps:)

      Mike G

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