Special Series: An Unplugged Life, 2014

by Courtney Lowery Cowgill
March 5, 2014
Graphic by hyoin min and used here with Creative Commons license.
Tanya Schevitz of Reboot on why she unplugs.

Tanya Schevitz, of Reboot on why she unplugs.

Call it spring cleaning. A digital detox. Each year, even we, those of us who live, eat, sleep and breathe online, need a little break (perhaps especially us).

"Each year, even we, those of us who live, eat, sleep and breathe online, need a little break (perhaps especially us). "

Enter, the National Day of Unplugging — a reason for and a celebration of a “technology Sabbath.”


This year, the National Day of Unplugging, advocated by the group Reboot, starts sundown March 7 and spans to sundown March 8.

In honor of the holiday, MediaShift is looking at why we should unplug, how we can unplug and what you can do to help your community unplug.

Series Posts:

> Celebrate Day of Unplugging with Nap-In, Typewriters, Live Music, by Angela Washeck


> Tips for Unplugging and What to Do Once You Do, by Tanya Schevitz

> How Do You Unplug When You Live and Work Online? by Dena Levitz

> A Special Mediatwits Podcast on Unplugging, by the Mediatwits

More Reading

Check out these previous MediaShift articles and other stories online about unplugging and taking Technology Sabbaths:

> Hands-Free Parenting: How Much You Gain When You Unplug, by Rachel Stafford

> In Political News, There’s a Fine Line Between a Well-Informed Public and an Overwhelmed One, by Mark Hannah

> Why We Need a Technology Sabbath, by Tanya Schevitz

> 5 Tips to Prevent Digital Burnout and Maintain Good Mental Health, by Sandra Ordonez

> Mediatwits #52: Special Edition: Unplugging from Media and Technology by Mark Glaser

> Why We Need to Teach Mindfulness in a Digital Age at MediaShift

> 5Across: How to Deal with Technology Overload at MediaShift

> Technology Sabbath Offers One Day to Unplug at MediaShift

> Your Take Roundup: We Need to Learn How to Unplug at MediaShift

> A Moment of Unplugged Zen Poolside at MediaShift

> A Tech Sabbath offers a chance to unplug, recharge at the Oregonian

> I Need a Virtual Break. No Really at the NY Times

> Sabbath Manifesto

> We Don’t Need a Digital Sabbath, We Need More Time at The Atlantic

> SPU students take a break from technology at Seattle Times

> Remember the Sabbath? at the Guardian


Tagged: digital detox national day of unplugging technology sabbath unplug unplugging

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