Creative Commons photo. Click on the photo or here to see the full series.
What were the most memorable media tech trends of 2016 — Facebook Live? The arrival of augmented reality with Pokémon Go? The disruption from fake news? The way Snapchat took over how we’re sharing stories with each other?
Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern time/Noon Central/10 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, Dec. 13, for the final #EdShift chat of the year, where we’ll take stock of technology trends of the past 12 months, as well as look ahead to what we’ll be using and talking about in 2017. You can the find it by searching for the #EdShift Twitter hashtag.
Guests will include Lisa Collins of Loyola University New Orleans, Kym Fox of Texas State University, Cindy Royal of Texas State University and Kim Fox of American University in Cairo, Katy Culver of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Center for Journalism Ethics and more. The chat will be moderated by Stacy Forster of theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison.
Here is a Storify of the conversation: