Categories: ImpactMetricsTools & Resources

Media Metrics Roundup for July 20, 2016

50 Ways to Measure your Analytics (with Apologies to Paul Simon)

(Melody Kramer / Poynter)
From social to video. Bookmark it.

How Publishers Wring New Value from Old Content

(Lucia Moses / Digiday)
Evergreen content helps to sustain traffic. (And check out these 4 Tips to Increase Metrics by Highlighting Your Archives)

Ads on ‘Premium’ Websites Prove More Effective, comScore Says

(Jack Marshall / Wall Street Journal)
High-quality content next to ads boosts brand metrics like favorability.

Terry Parris Jr. Has Sent 71,231 Messages to Contributors to ProPublica

(Andrew Haeg / Twitter)
How about you? See #edjsummit for more on audience engagement from the Entrepreneurial Journalism Educators Summit.

CIR’s Open-Source Impact Tracker is Live

(Lindsay Green-Barber / Center for Investigative Reporting)
The platform is being used by more than 20 organizations.

From MetricShift:

4 Tips to Increase Metrics by Highlighting Your Archives by Tim Cigelske

How to Measure SEO Success for Recent Content by Joel Abrams

How Will Facebook’s Algorithm Changes Impact Your Newsroom? by Allie VanNest

Why Pageviews Matter in Measuring Native Ads by Kunal Gupta

5 Steps to Execute Metrics That Matter by Alexa Roman

#MetricShift Chat: Measuring Video for News by Tim Cigelske

3 Tips for Publishers in Wake of Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm Change by Liam Corcoran

Upcoming Trainings & Events:

> Snapchat for Journalists and Storytellers [July 20]
> #MetricShift Twitter Chat: Measuring the Impact of Podcasts [July 22]
How to Live-Tweet Events [July 27]
Advanced Social Media Engagement [August 10]
How to Measure Impact in Journalism [August 17]

Jason Alcorn (@jasonalcorn) is the Metrics Editor for MediaShift. In addition to his work with MediaShift, he is an analyst with the Media Impact Project and works as a consultant with non-profits and newsrooms.

Jason Alcorn :Jason Alcorn is a media consultant who helps newsrooms, foundations and nonprofits build an informed citizenry through journalism and civic engagement. He is also an award-winning investigative journalist. Get in touch at or @jasonalcorn on Twitter.

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