Categories: MetricsTools & Resources

Media Metrics Roundup for July 13, 2016

The best stories about metrics, analytics and measuring impact curated by Jason Alcorn weekly.

How The Washington Post Grew Digital Subscriptions 145 Percent

(Lucia Moses / Digiday)
Email newsletters, opinion and politics coverage, faster load times and more.

Buffer for Instagram is Here

(Kevan Lee  / Buffer)
A million engagement editors are cheering.

Why the “One Metric” is More Complicated than it Sounds

(Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré / Medium)
How to be successful with lean analytics in your organization.

Young and Old News Consumers Want to Get their News in Very Different Ways, says Pew

(Ricardo Bilton / NiemanLab)
70 percent of young news consumers prefer to only get news on mobile devices.

You Want the Good News or the Bad News?

(Dave Pell / Medium)
The popular NextDraft editor wonders about the effect of covering bad things.


From MetricShift:

How Will Facebook’s Algorithm Changes Impact Your Newsroom? by Allie VanNest

Why Pageviews Matter in Measuring Native Ads by Kunal Gupta

5 Steps to Execute Metrics That Matter by Alexa Roman

#MetricShift Chat: Measuring Video for News by Tim Cigelske

3 Tips for Publishers in Wake of Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm Change by Liam Corcoran

3 Ways to Put News Metrics to Work by Olivia Henry

Upcoming Trainings & Events:

> Beyond Pageviews: Optimizing Analytics [July 13]
> #MetricShift Twitter Chat: Live Video Metrics  [July 15]
> Snapchat for Journalists and Storytellers [July 20]
How to Live-Tweet Events [July 27]
Advanced Social Media Engagement [August 10]

Jason Alcorn (@jasonalcorn) is the Metrics Editor for MediaShift. In addition to his work with MediaShift, he is an analyst with the Media Impact Project and works as a consultant with non-profits and newsrooms.

Jason Alcorn :Jason Alcorn is a media consultant who helps newsrooms, foundations and nonprofits build an informed citizenry through journalism and civic engagement. He is also an award-winning investigative journalist. Get in touch at or @jasonalcorn on Twitter.

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