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Media Metrics Roundup for May 25, 2016

Facebook is Making Some Big Changes to Trending Topics, Responding to Conservatives

(Brian Fung / The Washington Post)
The site will drop its media algorithm and rely entirely on conversations among its users to identify trending topics.

Podcasts Experiment with Paid Subscriptions

(Steven Perlberg / Wall Street Journal)
If not ads, then what? Acast is trying a paid model that would be an end-around to the challenge of advertising without good metrics.

Q&A with Alissa Quart of the Economic Hardship Reporting Project

(Nina Sachdev Hoffmann / Media Impact Funders)
This is a great case study about how EHRP tells the story of their impact, from John Oliver to Skid Row in Los Angeles.

The Complete Guide to Mastering Conversion Optimization

(Stoney deGeyter / Marketing Land)
Happy customers are good customers. Here’s how to increase user satisfaction throughout the conversion funnel.

How Kohl’s Is Tapping Into ‘Chewbacca Mom’s’ Viral Facebook Video

(Jordan Valinsky / Digiday)
If you want a mask of your own, you’re out of luck. But if you want a lesson in virality, here you go.

Coming Soon: Express Even More in 140 Characters

(Todd Sherman / Twitter)
Twitter is making it easier to share media and hold conversations. Adios .@, we won’t miss you at all.

From MetricShift:’s Slackbot Helps Users Learn About Their Audiences by Alexander Lourenco

Audience Currencies in the Age of Big Data by Jacob L. Nelson and James G. Webster

#MetricShift Chat: Measuring Email Newsletters by Tim Cigelske

Facebook Should Treat Smaller Publishers More Fairly. Here’s How. by Todd Reubold

How to Learn About Your Customers Through Social Media by Jack Josephy

DigitalEd: Beyond Pageviews: Optimizing Analytics by Jessica Pucci

Upcoming Trainings & Events:

> How to Automate Social Media [May 25]
> #MetricShift Twitter chat: Measuring Email Newsletters [May 27]
> Beyond Pageviews: Optimizing Analytics [July 13]

Jason Alcorn :Jason Alcorn is a media consultant who helps newsrooms, foundations and nonprofits build an informed citizenry through journalism and civic engagement. He is also an award-winning investigative journalist. Get in touch at or @jasonalcorn on Twitter.

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