Categories: Must Reads

E-Books and Self-Publishing Roundup: November 7, 2017

Each week, we curate the top stories of the week in e-books and self-publishing. Sign up here to get these delivered right to your inbox.

  1. Interactive Ebooks? Almost…  (Joe Konrath / Joe Konrath)
  2. What’s the Right Price for a Self-published Ebook? – 8 Tips on Pricing Kindle Ebooks (Debbie young / ALLi)
  3. Were-Sharks and Nazi Leprechauns: the Rise and Fall of the Horror Paperback (Alison Flood / The Guardian)
  4. Create an E-Book Cover with Spark and Canva: Which is Better? (Zsofia Macho / PublishDrive)
  5. The Voice Behind Many Bestselling Books On Tape Is Actually That of An Infamous Serial Killer (Maya / Shared.com)
  6. DRM-free E-Bookshops (Kevin Beynon / Kevin Beynon)

Nate is the founder of The Digital Reader. He also builds and repairs websites, and help authors turn web traffic into readers.

Nate Hoffelder :Nate is the founder of The Digital Reader, the best ebook blog on the web. He also builds and repairs websites, and helps authors and small businesses solve tech problems.

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