Categories: DigitalEd

DigitalEd: Introduction to After Effects

Photo via Pixabay on Pexels and used with Creative Commons license.

Title: Introduction to After Effects

Instructor: Kylos Brannon, Assistant Professor, American University

Don’t Let Motion Graphics Intimidate You

After Effects can look like a very daunting program. It’s extremely versatile and appears complicated. But you don’t have to jump into the deep end. You can wade in and make very effective, simple motion graphics ads for social media before you ever consider tackling all the hard stuff. Join us and give it a shot!

What you’ll learn from this training:

  1. Basic Interface
  2. Power of the Keyframe
  3. Preparing a PSD file for ease of use in After Effects
  4. Outputting for posting online


  • Slides

Who should take this training:

  • Those who have wanted to try After Effects but never had the chance, or were intimidated.
  • Anyone wanting to make well designed animated Ads for Facebook or other social media routes
  • Filmmakers who would like to spice up their title sequences or trailers

Date and Time: Nov. 1 2017, at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT

Price: $39

Register now for this training!

Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.


About the Instructor:

Kyle “Kylos” Brannon is an assistant professor of Film and Media Arts. He is a filmmaker, motion graphic designer, and video artist. His video collage piece, Forgetting Is Normal, ran for a month long solo exhibit at the Anacostia Arts Center and most recently, he contributed live video mixing to the performance piece Exquisite Depths, with Cultural DC’s Source Festival. His work with exhibit media has appeared in the Brown v. Board National Historic Site, the US Botanical Gardens, Historic Jamestowne, the National Constitution Center and other spaces around the country. He specializes in emerging media, including trends in smartphone filmmaking, motion graphics, online media production, and live video art. He produced the award-winning web series Stage Fright for NBC4 and American University and is currently in production for a documentary to be shot partially through smartphone production.

Kyle Brannon :

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