Categories: EducationShiftTechnology

Static Site Lessons from Building the ‘Weed Rush’ Project

Weed Rush front page

How did I spend last summer? Thinking a lot about pot and how people would navigate to learn more about it.

It’s better than it sounds. I spend my summers helping create the website for an investigative project called News21. Each year, a team of fellows from universities around the U.S. dives deep into a topic and the resulting content is then syndicated with major partners like The Washington Post, USA Today and many others. But the content also needs a permanent home on the Web, so we build a site. Our focus in 2015 was “America’s Weed Rush.”

The site contains images, video, interactive infographics, and, of course, text stories. It must be attractive and innovative. It also has to be built on a very compressed schedule, with actual page production limited to a few weeks and the site functionality and design around 10 weeks.

And then it needs to stand up to bursts of heavy traffic.

And then it needs to remain available for many years to come.

Easy. Deep breath.

If you have your hand up saying, “Oh, oh, you should use a static site generator for this!” you just earned a cookie.

Static site generator

For the last two projects (Gun Wars, on gun culture in America and America’s Weed Rush, on the legalization of marijuana in America), we used the static site generator Jekyll to create the project. There are many static site generators out there, and I think most of them could do the job, but I had familiarity with Jekyll from other projects and since it has the support of and has been battle-tested by GitHub, it’s a pretty safe choice.

A static site generator outputs a site that consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images. Unlike a dynamic site, such as one powered by WordPress or Drupal, there is no database making the site work and no dynamic language like PHP or Python that interprets requests. In a way it’s like making sites the way we made them in the ’90s.

There are several benefits to a static site:

  • The site can be hosted almost anywhere and moved very easily. Going from development server to production is literally a matter of copying files.
  • There’s no admin backend on the site, so there’s nothing for an attacker to try to break into. This helps server admins sleep better.
  • Page production is much faster since you’re simply manipulating files—there’s no backend dashboard to click through to accomplish tasks. Once a producer gets comfortable manipulating files, the production speed increase is remarkable.
  • Jekyll is much less opinionated than WordPress, so there’s less of a feeling of going “against the grain” when building features.

But there’s no free lunch, so there are disadvantages:

  • A steep learning curve. For producers who are only used to going through a dashboard like with WordPress, Tumblr and Drupal, it can be intimidating at first, so good training is essential. (Though I’d argue that a Web producer should understand the basics of working with SFTP, the command line and Git.)
  • When several people are in a file system at the same time operating under stress, it’s easy to accidentally overwrite each others’ changes, so good communication is crucial. (It would obviously be better to have everybody work in their own Git repo but that introduces a lot of technical and workflow overhead when the producers aren’t highly technical.)

Sections page for America’s Weed Rush.

Designing the workflow

The site was created with the explicit goal of making production as fast as possible. This meant first off to separate content from presentation. The content — images, videos, story — on each page had to make no assumptions about the final presentation. This way producers could build the pages while designers changed the final look of the site in tandem.

This meant creating shortcodes for all multimedia content, so a producer would never insert an image, say, with a raw <img src="/images/parallax/hello.jpg" /> HTML tag; instead, all multimedia elements were called in through Jekyll’s “includes” feature.

The Jekyll include would know what directory the parallax images live in and then write out the actual code to put the image on the page.

This way the actual multimedia presentation could change right up to launch without a need to go back and touch any of the stories.

Don’t Repeat Yourself

Any website repeats a lot of content, and under deadline pressure, it’s very easy to forget a spot. So the project was built as much as possible on the principle of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

Anything that goes on more than one page should exist in a data file and be read in, never repeated on the site itself.

Putting in the thought ahead of time to factor out anything that will repeat on the site and centralizing it will pay off at crunch time. Jekyll’s _data directory support makes this easy.

Here are some of the things abstracted out for Weed Rush:

  • Fellow bios for story footers
  • In-page navigation
  • Page URLs. (Since URLs change when — not if — the story’s title is edited and stories are linked to from many places, having a central URL repository streamlines the workflow significantly.)
  • Project title
  • Project blurb
  • Publish date
  • Generic social image for Twitter cards and Facebook

Science section from America’s Weed Rush home page.

Staying up under load

By its very nature, a static site will be able to handle more traffic than one that has to be processed for each request, so there’s less risk of the server keeling over — though enough traffic will choke any server.

To help take the load off the server, the server hosting Weed Rush was put behind CloudFlare, which, headscratchingly, provides a free Content Delivery Network that is very good.

Since the pages on Weed Rush are heavy with images, we opted to upgrade to Cloudflare’s Pro plan which, among other things, provides an extra layer of image optimization for different device sizes and lazy loads images on slow connections. This was well worth it to make sure the site felt (reasonably) fast despite all the assets.

Use the source, Luke

If you want to pick apart how the site works, you can clone it from GitHub and run it on your own computer. Feedback and constructive criticism is of course welcome.

Nic Lindh is the Cronkite School webmaster and instructional technology analyst. Prior to coming to Arizona State University, he worked as a writer, programmer and system administrator. You can find out more about Nic through his site.

Niclas Lindh :

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