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#EdShift Chat: How to Do Content Marketing Right

The best and most successful strategies for building a brand have been those that include storytelling, with content that consumers actually want. Storytelling about brands is more important than ever with the rise of content marketing, which crosses journalism, public relations and advertising and aims directly at consumers.

What is content marketing, and how do you do it well? What do students in journalism programs need to know about how content marketing might fit into their careers? What are the ethical questions that need to be worked out? We’ll tackle those questions in an #EdShift chat at 1 p.m. Eastern time/Noon Central/10 a.m. Pacific, on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

The chat, which you can find by searching for the #EdShift Twitter hashtag, will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Guests will include Elizabeth Hendrickson of Ohio University, Chad Pollitt of, Ben Deutsch of Coca-Cola, Cathy McPhillips of the Content Marketing Institute and more.

More on content marketing in our special series here.

Here is a Storify compilation of the chat:

Stacy Forster :

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