Categories: Must Reads

E-Books & Self-Publishing Roundup, October 13, 2015

1. U.S. says Apple e-books antitrust monitor no longer needed (Nate Raymond / Reuters)

2. How authors can find their ideal reading audience (Angela Ackerman /

3. New ‘enhanced’ Harry Potter e-books come to Apple (Anick Jesdanun / Huffington Post)

4. Take your time: Tips from an indie author (Drucilla Shultz  / BookLife)

5. Digital Census shows audio charge (Philip Jones / The Bookseller)

Our E-Books & Self-Publishing Roundup comes out every Tuesday.

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Julie Keck :Julie Keck is a social media consultant and filmmaker based in Chicago. She has spoken about social media engagement, crowdfunding, and film at SXSW, the University of Notre Dame, Columbia College, DePaul, the Chicago International Film Festival, and more. Julie is also the social media and newsletter editor for MediaShift. Play with her on Twitter at @kingisafink.

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