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#EdShift Chat: Long-form Journalism in a Snapchat World

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On Tuesday, June 9, our #EdShift chat on Twitter will cover how to think about and create long-form journalism in the age of Snapchat. With younger audiences spending less time consuming the news or finding it through social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter, where does long-form journalism fit in?

Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern Time / 12 p.m. Central Time / 10 a.m. Pacific Time as we discuss the ways long-form journalism can thrive in a world of quick-hit pieces and BuzzFeed-style listicles, and how to teach students to produce it — even when they may not consume it regularly themselves.

The chat will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with special guests Mei-Ling Hopgood of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Katia Bachko of The Atavist Magazine, Mark Johnson of the Grady College of Journalism at the University of Georgia, Nick Penzenstadler of the investigative team at USA Today, Katy Culver of UW-Madison and more. A Storify of the chat will be added to this page after the chat.

Stacy Forster :

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