Categories: BusinessCulture

Upcoming Events in Digital Media: Jan. 9 Edition

Photo by Richard Scott and used here with Creative Commons license.

Each week, MediaShift posts an ongoing list of upcoming events in the digital media and journalism world. These will be a mix of MediaShift-produced events and other events. If we’re missing any major events, please use our Contact Form to let us know, and we’ll add them to the list. If you’d like to pay to promote your event in the “featured event” spot of our weekly post, use the Contact Form to let us know. Also, be sure to sign up for our events email newsletter to get notifications about future MediaShift events.


2nd Annual Journalism School Hackathon
Feb. 27 – March 1, 2015
MediaShift is producing our second annual Journalism School Hackathon, co-produced and hosted by the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University in Phoenix. We’re convening a group of top students, faculty and professionals for the weekend Hackathon, with a real-world mission of creating sustainable media projects that reach underserved populations. Students will have a chance to collaborate on diverse teams of students with faculty and pro facilitators. And they will be able to create media projects in one of three threads: data, gaming or audience engagement.
More info here.
Register here.


Excellence in Journalism 2015 Call for Programs Submission
Jan. 12, 2015
The Radio Television Digital News Association, National Association of Hispanic Journalists and Society of Professional Journalists are accepting program proposals for their Excellence in Journalism 2015 Convention.
Submit ideas for conference sessions and collaboration interests here.

Lede Program Info Session
Jan. 29, 2015, 12:00 pm
Stabile Student Center, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
An information session about Columbia’s intensive summer or two-semester certification program on the coding and analytic skills needed to turn data into narrative. Applications for the program are due Feb. 15. For more information, please visit

Digital Book World Conference 2015
Jan. 13-15, 2015
New York City
The conference and expo brings together media, publishing and tech professionals to discuss digital content and digital publishing strategies as well as industry challenges.
Register here; use hashtag #DBW15.


Digiday Publishing Summit Europe
Feb. 4-6, 2015
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Digiday’s annual look at the state of the global digital media business, for publishers and advertisers.
Register here.

Journalism After Snowden Conference
Feb. 5, 2015
Washington, D.C.
One in a series of events sponsored by the Tow Foundation and the Knight Foundation seeking to answer the questions facing the press in the wake of the NSA leaks.
Register here.

MARCH 2015

SXSW Interactive 2015
March 13-17, 2015
This annual event features the brightest minds in upcoming technology, networking events and a great lineup of startup ideas from the digital community.
Registration here; use hashtag #SXSW2015.

GigaOm StructureData 2015
March 18-19, 2015
New York, N.Y.
Thoughts on big data and the information economy.
Register here.

APRIL 2015

AdAge Digital Conference
Apr. 14-15, 2015
Pier 36, New York, NY
Ad Age’s best-in-class editorial team pairs with brand, technology and media leaders to drive game-changing conversations — and to get to the bottom of what’s really happening in the advertising arena.
Register here.

Journalism Interactive 2015
Apr. 24-25, 2015
Columbia, Missouri
The Journalism Interactive Conference on journalism education and digital media is for journalism educators, and is designed to advance the national discourse on how journalism schools can best prepare students for work in the rapidly changing media environment.
Register here.


Ad: Tech SF
May 20-21, 2015
Moscone Center West, San Francisco, CA
Ad: Tech brings the digital marketing industry’s top minds together to share tactics, strategies and insights they can apply as soon as they’re back in the office.
Register here.

Code Conference
May 27-29, 2015
Rancho Pales Verdes, CA
Produced by the same team delivering the D: All Things Digital Conference, the Code Conference is where top industry influencers in media and technology gather for in-depth conversations about the impact of digital technology on our lives and our businesses, today and in the future.
Code Conference sells out within hours. Register for ticket updates here.
Information on the conference here.

GigaOm Structure 2015
June 17-18, 2015
New York, NY
Meet the innovators and thinkers building infrastructure to run the applications of the future.
Register here.

AEJMC Annual Conference
Aug. 5-9, 2015
San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Join the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for its 2015 conference.
Information here.

Excellence in Journalism Conference 2015
Sep. 18-20, 2015
Orlando World Center Marriott, FL.
The Excellence in Journalism Convention is sponsored by the Radio Television Digital News Association, National Association of Hispanic Journalists and Society of Professional Journalists.
Register here.

Sept. 24-26, 2015
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA
Record-breaking numbers of journalists travel to ONA’s conference each year to learn about new tools, techniques and technologies, to discuss advancements and challenges in the industry, take advantage of the rare opportunity to network face-to-face, and share best practices with peers from all over the map.
Information here.

Sonia Paul is a freelance journalist based in India, and is the editorial assistant at PBS MediaShift. She is on Twitter @sonipaul.


Sonia Paul :Sonia Paul is an independent journalist and radio producer, and contributing editor at MediaShift. She is a senior fellow with the Fund for Investigative Journalism and Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University. Her stories have aired and published in numerous media outlets, including NPR, New York Times, Public Radio International, Foreign Policy, VICE News, Backchannel, 60dB and Roads & Kingdoms. She is on Twitter and Instagram @sonipaul.

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