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Yelp’s Rocky Relationship with Small Business

Jordan Shafran’s family owned construction business, Shafran Construction, has been in the business of home improvement for 25 years. It has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, hundreds of happy customers — and a one-star review on Yelp.

“Shafran Construction Company did the worst possible job I’ve ever seen,” reads the sole review, written by a Yelper named John D. who is faceless, friendless, and inactive since 2010. However, thanks to this anonymous review, Shafran’s single star rating shows up as the second Google result for his name, haunting his business even now. Shafran’s attempts to contact “John Doe,” as he calls him, have not been returned.

To make matters worse, Shafran has received more than 18 five-star Yelp reviews from happy customers. They’re just not visible — Yelp has placed these reviews under a small, barely discernible “Filtered” link, the site’s automatic defense mechanism against potential spam.

“It’s very odd that out of 19 reviews posted, Yelp’s filter has decided that the single negative review is the only one that isn’t spam,” Shafran said. “For the little guy, what Yelp is doing is definitely frustrating. Everything is Web-based these days and they control you like a puppet.”

Shafran hypothesizes that he’s been blacklisted for refusing to advertise with Yelp, a deal that starts at $300 a month. He told MediaShift that his positive reviews were filtered shortly after he asked to stop receiving calls from Yelp salespeople.

“It’s more like a mafia if you think about it,” he said. “Unless you pay them, the company will only show negative reviews.”

“The bully in the schoolyard”

Accusations of extortion might seem like a stretch, but not if you’ve been following Yelp’s shaky history with small business. They’ve been the subject of two class action suits — though both were dismissed before they got to trial. A third is in the works. A 2009 East Bay Express article titled Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0, though roundly dismissed by Yelp, continues to host recent comments from upset business owners, some posted as recently as January 2013, all with stories similar to Shafran’s.

What it all comes down to is small business owners’ beliefs that the Yelp filter, designed to spot spam, is not doing its job correctly.

The founder of anti-Yelp site Yelp Sucks, business consultant Adryenn Ashley, asserts that there is something seriously detrimental about Yelp’s filtration algorithm, which was designed to remove spam and maintain Yelp’s slogan: “Real people, real reviews.”

“The filter is broken,” she said. “I’ve heard of people who buy a business’s Yelp deal, check in on Yelp when they get there, write a review, and still get filtered as spam. It makes users upset, like their words aren’t getting validated.”

Ashley says the filter is inconsistent.

“When Yelp says they have an algorithm, that means one thing, but what it seems like what they actually have is rules. They get different results every time,” she said.

Ashley’s site, Yelp Sucks, is a 600-person strong community where many business owners gather to share their Yelp concerns. When this reporter left a comment encouraging members to share their stories, she received more than 70 emails.

Most of these stories share a common thread. Members believe that advertising with Yelp is the only way to reveal positive reviews and filter negative ones. They have a single visible one-star review and dozens of filtered five-star reviews. When they contact Yelp about the filtered reviews, they say they are told the reviews aren’t genuine. This is no small handful of complainers either; a recent FOIA request to the Federal Trade Commission revealed more than 700 complaints against Yelp over the last four years.

Ashley says Yelp’s power to make or break business reputations has made people desperate.

“People call me and they’re crying on the phone because they haven’t got anyone to listen,” she said. “When you talk to these people, you hear the pain in their voices like they’re being squeezed, like they have no choice.

“Yelp is the bully on the schoolyard and this community is the only place where they can have their voices heard.”

An emphasis on education

Yelp is acutely aware of what many small business owners are thinking. But according to spokeswoman Kristen Whisenand, the filter is here to stay.

“I understand the filter is a point of frustration, but if it weren’t in place we’d be overrun by shills and malicious content,” she said, pointing out that Google and Amazon have also added filters.

Whisenand said business owners aren’t wrong when they suspect more positive reviews are filtered than negative ones. However, that’s because of Yelp’s review ratio, not any malicious intent on the site’s part.

“Small business owners think that more positive reviews are filtered out than negative ones and in a way they’re right, because people write more positive reviews in the first place. Eighty percent of Yelp reviews are three stars or higher so these are filtered more often than negative reviews. There’s no way to 100 percent perfect the system.”*

NOTE: Please see update below on changes to this quote.

Either way, said Whisenand, the idea that advertising with Yelp can alter the filter is a myth.

“There is no amount of money you can pay Yelp to manipulate your reviews, and we do not punish people who don’t advertise,” she said.

Wisenand said the filtering system isn’t perfect, but “does a pretty good job given its task.” She points out that reviews are not permanently banished to the filtered tag — what is marked as filtered today may be revised as legitimate feedback later on. Since Yelp is always in the process of improving the filter, the company has instead tried to resolve its image problem with small businesses in a more immediate way.

Jose Luis Rojano of Lucha Libre Gourmet Taco Shop is part of Yelp’s solution. He’s a member of Yelp’s Small Business Advisory Council, a dozen or so business owners from all fields who advise Yelp on its relations with small businesses.

“A lot of my business owner friends hate Yelp,” Rojano said. “The way I see it, people will be talking about your business regardless, whether on Yelp or blogs. At least Yelp gives you the opportunity to get involved in those conversations.”

Rojano meets with the Yelp Advisory Council for a monthly group phone meeting. The chief topic of discussion is how the group can help educate business owners on using the site in a positive way.

Aside from these talks, Rojano gets no special treatment. He doesn’t advertise with Yelp or pay any fee to be on the council. He has more than 250 filtered reviews, many from active Yelp accounts with photos, and nothing he says to Yelp will change that. But he said the council has changed his attitude about how to work with Yelp.

“Yelp does give consumers a lot of power to make or break a business, and a lot of business owners are afraid of it because it does. It takes your business and puts it out in the open,” he said.

“You can either hide from that or use it as a tool to promote your business.”

No solution in sight

Rojano is one of the lucky ones. With his four-star average on Yelp, his words may not be much consolation to a business owner who has had all of her five-star reviews filtered. And unfortunately, the latter case is the one that’s easier to find online.

“I get calls every day to advertise and when I suggest that I might if they tell me about the algorithm that hides my reviews, they suggest that ‘advertising might open it up so that more people will review it and then the algorithm will change to include the hidden reviews,’” wrote Amy Lewis of Whole Health Associates.

This is one of many statements emailed to the reporter, but a quick Google search for “Yelp scam” nets hundreds more. Yelp’s official response is that business owners don’t understand the complex algorithm, but this explanation doesn’t sit right with Shafran.

“I’m a very computer-savvy person. I’ve spoken with Yelp numerous times, and they always say I don’t understand how the site or the filtration system works. I don’t buy it.”

With Yelp saying one thing and hundreds of business owners saying the opposite, the only way to resolve the situation would be to have a legal investigation. One White House petition even urges the Attorney General to investigate.

According to Roy Gutterman, associate professor of communications law and journalism at Syracuse University and director of the Tully Center for Free Speech, it’d be hard to say if Yelp is doing anything wrong.

“This could turn out to be a classic [Intellectual Property] lawsuit, because it’s a modern case where modern technology is wrestling with old-fashioned notions of reputation and business practices,” he said.

“I can envision a government agency intervening to a certain extent, but if business owners are going for an extortion charge, there’s going to be a lot to prove.”

  • UPDATE (1/29/13; 1:10 pm PT): Yelp spokesperson Kristen Whisenand contacted me about a quote that was taken out of context that stated “more often than not, even though some of the reviews may seem real, they’re not.” In an email she explained more on that count:

I would never say that the filtered reviews aren’t real — in fact, I specifically [said] that we admit the system isn’t perfect and sometimes perfectly legitimate reviews get filtered and fake reviews remain listed.

In an earlier email she said:

I want to clarify that reviews that get filtered aren’t necessarily “spam.”…We admit that our filtering system isn’t perfect — it sometimes filters out perfectly legitimate reviews and sometimes suspicious reviews remain on a business listing — but we think it does a pretty good job given its task. The filtering process also isn’t instantaneous; reviews can move into and out of the filter at any time. It’s important to note that Yelp is a community review site, not a drive-by one.

Photo of “People on Yelp Hate Us” by Steven & Courtney Johnson & Horwitz on Flickr and used here with Creative Commons license.

Lauren Orsini is a journalist based in the greater Washington, D.C. area. Her reporting has appeared in Forbes, CNN, and the Daily Dot.

Lauren Orsini :Lauren Orsini is a journalist based in the greater Washington, DC area. Her reporting has appeared in Forbes, CNN, and the Daily Dot.

View Comments (47)

  • It's not advertising, it's Click Through Rates, anyone who has ever dabbled with SEO knows that. High CTR is how a sites VALUE is calculated on the interweb. Very, easy to see why they would want to print a "train wreck" under your companies name my yelp page want from about 2 views a month to several hundred from my1 star review(typed in all caps) increasing the value of their stock and lowering mine. I think anyone who's pretending not to notice that is most likely a Yelp Troll

    • Joseph, brilliant observation. So in essence, they are hijacking business brands that dont advertise with them but have high traffic knowing that these businesses will either have to advertise (because they value their reputation) , or at a minimum Yelp can get a lot more traffic (helping their ad dollars and raising visitor counts) for a bad review on a well trafficked site...

      This observation is spot on... That should be grounds for a class action.

  • YELP is an extortion specialist. They will suppress your good reviews unless you pay them money. It's a scam. Tell everyone you know not to use YELP.

    • Bill is exactly right...Yelp is engaging in pure extortion...The good news is that they are currently being sued for defamation and that nobody cares about their communistic filtering of so-called reviews patient ya'll yelp will be dead soon....

      • I only had the yelp App less than a month and after seeing my 5 star reviews that were absolutely truthful about a wounderful business go unrecommended this happened 3 times and then seeing a persons review of the same business that was filled with very vulgar profanity placed right out there for people to view very disgusting. I started reading this other persons reviews and it was like they were using this app to socialize posting pics of themselves with nothing pertaining to the business using the word f**k or f**king all the time, having conversations with people about personal issues like how their holiday was etc. I did t know this site was suppose to be used like facebook, twitter, or their personal email. Why do they allow this ?? I thought this was an app to make and read reviews. Needless to say i unsubscribed. Its nonsense.

  • It's
    interesting that the Yelp representative said that filtered reviews may actually
    be moved out of filtered view to the main page and vice versa over time...Sounds
    to me like Yelp determines where the posts, (negative or positive) are going to
    wind up based on whether or not the business has paid Yelp for advertising or
    not. I'm sure advertising with Yelp is the first string of characters to appear
    in their so-called algorithm...Thank God that algorithm isn't used to program
    rocket coordinates because people would surely die!!! Best part of this post is
    that the rat-ba$tard$ at Yelp can't filter it!!

  • We had five stars till we did a Groupon/Living Social offer. Now we have 3.5 stars, all from people we sent back to the seller for trying to beat or bully us into making exceptions to the limitations of their coupon. They did not use our business and they were not our customers.
    Every single one star review of our company was from "that" group of people and did not fly with us. Why? we did not want them to!

    Don;t get me wrong 1400+ customers from coupons only about 50 were bottom feeders.

    Our way of fighting back? Search Skydrifters and Yelp in Google.
    I suggest other businesses not happy with them do something similar.

  • I used to write reviews on yelp using my real name. I found out most of
    my reviews went into the "not recommended" section. One of their scams was to show my review amongst the others when I was logged in. I guess it was to prevent me noticing that my reviews had been relegated to the garbage pile. I don't use or write reviews on yelp anymore. I consider their business model unethical and I hope they end up in the garbage pile.

  • Background : I am a self employed massage therapist. I work alone, from my home. I use my private, home phone number to talk to clients. Every one of my clients has been with me for years and every one of them has a standing appointment. I don't take new clients; I don't advertise.

    A client, thinking she was doing me a favor, posted a positive review on Yelp. Within hours of the review, robo calls began blowing up my phone. In less than 24 hours I've receive more than 20 calls from Tenessee, California, Washington and New York. And they're still coming in.

    I tried to take down my personal information. Yelp has a function that allows me to "suggest" edits but nothing that allows me any sort of control over my own information. I've made five different pleas to Yelp, explaining the situation. To no avail.

    Not only has my home phone been infiltrated by spammers, now any lunatic with a mind to, can visit my home.

    I work in a industry plagued by prostitution -- sex workers who hide behind "massage therapy" to pedal their wares. As a self employed, female massage therapist I've had to deal with my share of men looking for something more than a therapeutic back rub. Let me tell you, it's scary when you suddenly realize the naked man in your room has mistaken you for a prostitute.

    As mentioned, I've sent numerous pleas to Yelp, begging them to take down my private contact information. The only response I've received has been from sales reps who want to "help" me drive more traffic to my site.

    The Yelp site provides a disclaimer: "While we understand that some business owners might prefer to keep a low profile, it’s important (and a legal right) for consumers to be able to find and share helpful information about great local businesses." So, basically, 'eff you, your privacy and your safety. We can, so we will.'

    I suppose I can change my phone number and move from the place I've been 25 years. This is a nightmare.

  • Yelp is forcing me to advertise with them even though I own my business not yelp... I told them about my constitutional rights but they don't care, even when i spoke to the CRTC they told me that YELP has NO right to keep me on there site against my wishes.. I feel as a business owner a should be able to advertise with whom ever I choose... not be forced to be on YELP site, and they make money off of my business through advertisers for steeling my business advertising. I did not give them permission to steel by business NAME. And they put nothing but Fake reviews.

  • I hear some people say they used yelp and it was o.k. It gave them good info on services.Great ,We are not saying that yelpers can’t direct you to some good businesses but they can steer you away from some honest companies simply because those company did not cave in and paid for advertising.I will say that yelp does cost the consumer more money for those services that are highly rated/advertise.My business is primarily repeat/referrals.Now if another business has to pay yelp $1200.00 a month for advertising/reviews where do you think they get their money from? You,the consumer. If yelp was truly the unbiased review site that is portraying itself to be then no one would have to pay for advertising. That’s why they tell companies not to ask real customers to send in reviews,seriously they have a section on “Don’t ask customers for reviews”.If a person sees a company that has a 5 star rating with 100′s of great reviews who did not advertise next to a company who pays big bucks for advertising or for being placed on top of the search list with only 3 stars who do you think the customer will contact?

  • I'm so pissed off at those clowns that I posted two rants on my business website and one on my personal blog. I also published a LinkedIn "Pulse" article, but they just keep on hosing small business owners. I wonder if they'll EVER be held to account for their conduct, and will do anything I can to assist in such an endeavor.

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