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EdShift Chat: Revising a Journalism Curriculum

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Brett Jordan and used here under Creative Commons.

Revising a journalism curriculum to reflect industry trends is a must, but it can also take years to accomplish. How do you cover the fundamentals of journalism while still trying to prepare students with the most relevant digital skills and techniques and reflect shifting ethical questions?

Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern Time/Noon Central Time/10 a.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday, Oct. 6< on Twitter at the #EdShift hashtag/strong>, as we explore the latest in curriculum revision by those who’ve recently gone through the process. We’ll dig into how journalism programs are changing their approach as they consider the best ways to prepare their students for the media field of today — and tomorrow.

The chat, which you can find by searching for the #EdShift Twitter hashtag, will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Guests will include Mark E. Johnson of the University of Georgia, Robert Hernandez of the University of Southern California, Lisa Taylor of Ryerson University and more.

Here is a Storify compilation of the chat.

Stacy Forster :

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