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Why Can’t Journalists Handle Public Criticism?

Why do so many journalists find it so hard to handle public criticism? If you’re an athlete, you’re used to it. If you’re an artist, critics will regularly take you down. If you are in government, the pundits and now the bloggers will show no mercy. If you’re in business, the market will punish you.

In all these cases, the seasoned professional learns to deal with it. But over and over today, we encounter the sorry spectacle of distinguished reporters losing it when their work is publicly attacked — or columnists sneering at the feedback they get in poorly moderated web comments.

Clark Hoyt recently concluded his tenure as the New York Times’ “public editor” (a.k.a. ombudsman) with a farewell column that described the reactions of Times journalists to his work. It seems the process of being critiqued in public in their own paper continues to be alienating and dispiriting to them. Journalists typically, and rightly, see themselves as bearers of public accountability — holding the feet of government officials, business leaders and other public figures to the fire of their inquiries. Yet, remarkably, a surprising number of journalists still find it hard to accept being held to account themselves.

One passage in Hoyt’s column jumped out at me as a fascinating window onto the psyche of the working journalist today:

Times journalists have been astonishingly candid, even when facing painful questions any of us would want to duck. Of course, journalists don’t relish being criticized in public any more than anyone else. A writer shaken by a conclusion I was reaching told me, if you say that, I’ll have to kill myself. I said, no, you won’t. Well, the writer said, I’ll have to go in the hospital. I wrote what I intended, with no ill consequences for anyone’s health.

“If you say that, I’ll have to kill myself”? Even in jest, the line suggests a thinness of skin entirely inappropriate to any public figure. “Journalists don’t relish being criticized in public any more than anyone else,” according to Hoyt. Yet the work of journalists so often involves criticizing others in public that it is something they must expect in return. Surely they, of all professionals, ought to be able to take what they readily dish out.

A Culture Problem

I would argue that the difficulty American journalists have with hearing or responding to criticism lies in the profession’s pathological heritage of self-abnegation. We say, “To err is human,” right? But journalists too often work inside an institutional culture which says to them, “Be inhuman.” Do not have opinions — and if you do, for God’s sake don’t share them. Do not attend protests or take stands on issues. Do not vote; or, if you do, don’t tell anyone whom you voted for.

The “good soldier” journalists buy into this acculturation. They suppress their own individuality and perspectives. They subsume their own work into the larger editorial “we,” and learn to refer to themselves as “this reporter” instead of using the personal pronoun. When something goes wrong with the system they are a part of, when the little piece of journalism they have added to the larger edifice comes under attack for some flaw, they count on the edifice to protect them.

But no longer. Reasonable criticism of news coverage can now be published as easily online as the original reports, and the public expects media outlets to respond. Many editors and reporters understand that a new approach to accountability simply makes sense. So the institutions have begun, haltingly but significantly, to open up.

But many individual journalists find themselves at sea when called upon to explain mistakes, defend choices and engage in discussions with their readers and critics. Nothing in their professional lives has prepared them for this. In fact, a lot of their professional training explicitly taught them that all of this was dangerous, unprofessional, bad. They grew up thinking — and some still think — that the professional thing to do, when questioned in public, is (a) don’t respond at all; (b) respond with “no comment — we stand by our story”; or if things get really bad © your editor will do the talking.

Unfortunately, this means that the typical blogger has more experience dealing with criticism — measuring a reasonable response, managing trolls and restraining the urge to flame — than the typical newsroom journalist. That, I think, is why we regularly see the kind of journalist freakout that the New York Times’ James Risen visited upon us (and very quickly apologized for).

The syndrome I am describing here, of course, is already a relic of a previous era. Most young journalists entering the field today have a very different relationship to their own work and the public. And many of the older generation, which I am definitely a part of now, have either learned to make their way through new waters, or kept their own steady course and even keel in rough seas.

But every newsroom has some ticking time-bombs, people ready to explode in a torrent of ill-considered invective. When they do, I think we can try to show some understanding. The next time you see some seasoned journalist lose his bearings when called upon to discuss or defend his work, chalk it up to inexperience, not stupidity or rudeness.

Scott Rosenberg :

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  • The Internet has brazenly shocked most journalists into reality, i.e., they are now subject to criticism, a novelty rarely before seen inside the "profession".

  • Watergate changed journalism, making it a career that attracts narcissists trying to find their fame. Narcissists have very thin skins and are prone to envy and therefore leftism. Newspapers could return to profitability by removing the narcissistic bylines from every story and go back to hiring blue collar reporters without fancy journalism degrees. The maximum pay should be about twice minimum wage. Gathering and writing the who, what, when, where and why is a job that does not require a college degree, and most of the best news reporters did not have them. News reporters of the past were not narcissistic "protectors of democracy", they were news reporters.

  • But every newsroom has some ticking time-bombs, people ready to explode in a torrent of ill-considered invective. When they do, I think we can try to show some understanding.
    How sweet. I think we can try to show it on YouTube. There’s something wonderful about afflicting the comfortable, don’t you agree?
    The next time you see some seasoned journalist lose his bearings when called upon to discuss or defend his work, chalk it up to inexperience, not stupidity or rudeness.
    Do any of your subjects ever get this level of consideration? If a common citizen at a tea party ‘looses his bearings’ we expect you to edit out the provocation and trumpet the fellow’s response. Ah, right, if a fellow in SEIU purple ‘looses his bearings’ we expect you to see no news value at all in the event.

    There’s no truth in The News and there’s no news in The Truth. Goodbye already, go.

  • As a nation we lost much when reporters ceased to be reporters and became journalists. Of greater loss was the disregard for who, what, where, when and why and their replacement by the flourish, the back story, the opinion and the distortion, all offered as objective news.
    Journalists, in many cases, no longer seem, to represent the fourth estate so much as they do a fifth column.
    Perhaps these are some of the reasons that journalists seem so thin skinned--they're exposed.

  • I think it is because journalists do a lot of research and thinking work before they publish the work. During this process, they get "attached" to their work and develop some kind of emotional linkage. Traditionally, those expert views were not questioned but now it is changing with web2.0 style publishing. So, journalists are learning handle criticism now.

  • hey, scott --
    i am old media so probably not an even-handed (objective?) source on this. but u outta cut risen some slack. and not just because many of us consider him a great, courageous journalist. the guy has shown himself capable of handling far more serious scrutiny than that dished up by mr. cook and others -- witness all the DOJ leak investigations into his work since 9/11. one recent subpoena raises the prospect of him having to blow a source or go to jail -- to protect the rights of news folk, old and new. venture to say he has been under pressure u and i can only imagine. best, rbs

  • Thank you for this! I wish it was easier to find writing on this topic of turning the light on journalists.

  • Journalistic arrogance, and journalists' inbred sense of infallibility and their disbelieving outrage at being called to account by anyone have always been a fact of life. I myself suffered from the attitude when I worked at the Miami Herald. This blog is amazing to me because it actually purports to tell us something "new": journalists are arrogant. Well, this is news to who? What it actually does is point out the disparity between the typical journalists' self-image of "self-abnegation" and the reality of the self-absorption that the profession breeds. I should know. PS, I got over it.


    The saddest question directed to a writer would be "Who are you?', not, "I disagree with your point of view."

  • Very interesting and keenly observed - the NYT is the last news organization that still sees itself as fully "objective" - as they all used to, when there was less competition and little chance for consumer input. Second, journalists have become public figures without having to press the flesh or otherwise physically encounter the fan base. Even journalists who become TV pundits are not known faces. Re Risen, each time he did a defensive interview, he revealed more reasons that criticisms of his Afghan Mineral story were justified!

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