Categories: Social Media

Being a BlogHim at BlogHer Conference

SAN JOSE, CALIF. — Compared to last month’s fiesty, combative BloggerCon IV conference in San Francisco, the BlogHer conference here is almost a revival meeting of mutual support and warm emotion. During the jam-packed opening session today, BlogHer organizer Elisa Camahort had women come to the stage to describe how blogging had changed their lives. With each personal story, the audience applauded or laughed along.

From all accounts, this year’s BlogHer has about twice as many people — 700-plus — as last year’s conference. The first session today (the second day of the conference) was in a huge ballroom with chandeliers that was filled almost to capacity. While every table had plenty of power plugs for live-bloggers and their laptops, there weren’t enough Ethernet hubs available and WiFi bandwidth was scarce. Only later could I plug in to get Internet access, and it was very slow. Ah, the pains of runaway success.

So what is it like being a man at a women’s blogging conference? The audience here is about 5% male, so it feels different being here, and not necessarily bad. I feel more like an observer rather than a participant, and have held off in joining the discussions even though I usually chime in with an opinion at most conferences. So far, about the same number of men and women have come up to me to network and schmooze. When I went to the men’s bathroom, I had to wait for the women to come out, as they used the men’s room due to overflow demand at the women’s room. They laughed and apologized politely.

But I knew what I was getting myself into by attending BlogHer, so it’s not upsetting being in the minority. If anything, the experience is pretty eye-opening, similar to what I felt when I got to attend my sister-in-law’s baby shower (in drag). The women here have a special way of relating to each other that’s more open and less combative than men do in the blogging world.

Of course my experience is colored by the panels that I attended: “Identity…and Obligations” and “Outreach Blogging Is Not for the Faint-Hearted.” In the Identity panel, the women talked about their racial identity and how their audience views them and what they write about on their blogs.

Blogger Dawn Rouse (pictured here) goes so far as to put a note on her blog explaining that she’s a white woman married to a black man with an 8-year-old mixed race daughter.

“I blog about everything in my family,” Rouse says. “I talk about racial issues, gender issues, my depression, finding my way as a woman and mother, feeling angry sometimes, and overwhelmed. What I don’t do is represent Black America. I want to be a white ally, and testify to things I’ve seen as a wife of a black man in the U.S. We were driving back from Canada and we were pulled over by the Canadian police. I documented that. The policeman was assuming my husband was a Guyanese smuggler.”

Another panelist, Carmen van Kerckhove, has a blog called MixedMediaWatch and a podcast called Addicted to Race — both of which she does with partner Jen Chau. But van Kerckhove tries to focus on pop culture references to mixed race, and tries not to get too heavy.

“Jen and I are both of mixed race, Asian and white heritage,” she said. “We’re interacial activists. We’re very open about it. We don’t talk about our personal lives but we’re very open about who we are, and how we are informed by our racial identity. We used to have a regular segment called Racial Spy. Things you hear when people don’t realize you’re from a particular ethnic group. We just want to have a way to talk about race without being a ‘celebration of diversity’ or stupid things like that.”

Moderator Maria Niles was a counterpoint to the emphasis on racial identity by saying she was on the panel to “represent the people who don’t want to represent anything at all.” While it’s OK to explain who you are and how your background and ethnicity informs your writing, it’s just as OK to just be who you are and damn the misperceptions. But still, one lesbian blogger in the room said she had to “come out” to her audience practically every week because of all the visitors who came by and didn’t know who she was.

One audience member named Amanda said she had done some research on bloggers, and noted that people use blogs to showcase a different identity than one we might have out in the public face-to-face world.

“Maybe we have multiple identities,” she said, “but our blog forces us to be a certain way. It might not be the way we present ourselves to our mom or to our bosses. I wonder if that’s what we’re up against here, because we have so many identities for ourselves.”

After a pleasant lunch by the hotel pool, I was back for another session, this time even more intense than the last one. This was about “Outreach” bloggers who share their personal struggles with others to help them by sharing those issues so honestly and openly.

The session was moderated by longtime blogger and social researcher danah boyd (pictured on the right, with Mary Hodder on the left). The panelists not only spoke about their difficulties with eating disorders, mental and physical abuse, and addictions, but also talked about how they have to draw boundaries in helping out others who ask for help.

Blogger Leah Peterson explained that she had had a disorder similar to multiple personalities, and had to deal with the stigma of mental illness.

“There’s a huge span of where everyone fits in with mental health — it’s not all normal or insane,” she said. “One of the things I’ve struggled with is writing back to everyone who writes to me. It would be great to write back to all of them, but I can’t. So how can I be myself online, have a bad day and not be perfect? People expect me to be a certain way.”

boyd noted that she tries not to post to her blog when she’s angry. Instead she created a private email list with close friends called “Don’t Post Angry,” where they can let off steam and share how angry they are about someone’s comment on their blog or whatever gets under their skin. “We post the hate and everyone makes fun of it,” she says. “It relieves the heartbreak with all the hatred. To have people you know and love laugh at you, it’s one of the best things I’ve used to deal with hate [without having to post it to my blog].”

Blogger Denise Tanton she did so much outreach in the past she had to stop.

“I don’t do outreach blogging because all these stories [of people in pain] grab me,” she said. “So I will do anything to help them. For seven years, even though I have three kids and a husband, I have been the one who organizations turn to to help people. My entire life was fixated on helping people and it was causing me to not take care of myself. So I had a change of employment and lifestyle. I can’t be the person that everyone calls at 2 a.m. not to binge and purge. I can’t be that person.”

Along with all the warmth, sharing and camaraderie at BlogHer, there was also a good amount of commercial messages and tchotchkes thrown about to snag the female consumer — and the influential women bloggers who might reach those consumers. Saturn had cars available to test-drive, and some booths were giving out schwag outside next to the pool.

All in all, I’d say that male bloggers could learn a lot from the women and how they really connect and share their stories online and offline. And how they work together and support each other rather than viewing everyone else as rivals. Even so, I headed to a friend’s house afterwards for a game of poker, just to counterbalance the day with male energy.

[Photo of opening session of BlogHer Day 2 by Heather Powazek Champ.]

[Photo of danah boyd by George Kelly.]

Mark Glaser :Mark Glaser is founder and executive director of MediaShift. He contributes regularly to Digital Content Next’s InContext site and newsletter. Glaser is a longtime freelance journalist whose career includes columns on hip-hop, reviews of videogames, travel stories, and humor columns that poked fun at the titans of technology. From 2001 to 2005, he wrote a weekly column for USC Annenberg School of Communication's Online Journalism Review. Glaser has written essays for Harvard's Nieman Reports and the website for the Yale Center for Globalization. Glaser has written columns on the Internet and technology for the Los Angeles Times, CNET and HotWired, and has written features for the New York Times, Conde Nast Traveler, Entertainment Weekly, the San Jose Mercury News, and many other publications. He was the lead writer for the Industry Standard's award-winning "Media Grok" daily email newsletter during the dot-com heyday, and was named a finalist for a 2004 Online Journalism Award in the Online Commentary category for his OJR column. Glaser won the Innovation Journalism Award in 2010 from the Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication. Glaser received a Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of Missouri at Columbia, and currently lives in San Francisco with his wife Renee and his two sons, Julian and Everett. Glaser has been a guest on PBS' "Newshour," NPR's "Talk of the Nation," KALW's "Media Roundtable" and TechTV's "Silicon Spin." He has given keynote speeches at Independent Television Service's (ITVS) Diversity Retreat and the College Media Assocation's national convention. He has been part of the lecture/concert series at Yale Law School and Arkansas State University, and has moderated many industry panels. He spoke in May 2013 to the Maui Business Brainstormers about the "Digital Media Revolution." To inquire about speaking opportunities, please use the site's Contact Form.

View Comments (4)

  • Hi Mark,

    It was really nice getting to meet you at BlogHer! It was definitely one of those "hey, I know you," moments :-)

    I was speaking with Steve Garfield this a.m. in the hotel lobby, and he mentioned the cammeraderie and just genuine warmth we women express even at a conference. As a conference "veteran" (9 confereces in 12 months covering everything from business, to tech, to journalism) my perspective is that BlogHer has more of a sense of community than other conferences--where the primary purpose is to either hype some amazing new product or to network oneself to the point of collapse.

    This isn't to say that networking (or hype) isn't going on at BlogHer--but it's woven in to the process of meeting and making friends with other women bloggers, as you noticed. That's very different from the hardcore-strategized sycophantic three-martini way networking's approached at some other confereces (just my viewpot on that.) There's no pressure, and after meeting someone, certainly not the sense of being royally dismissed.

    Among women bloggers, the person you met last year just might remember you the following year. We actually read each other just for the fun of reading each other--and often for no other reason (which, from what I understand, is different from the way and reason men read blogs)

    As for the women teaching men a few things...those of us who are infiltrators try, but it's difficult. It's hard to get a group so addicted to lists, hype and power to lighten up ;-)

  • Mark,

    Thank you for your perceptive observations of our "Identity and Obligation" panel and of the BlogHer conference in general.

    I have one tiny correction - it is not that I don't want to represent but rather that I don't feel obligated to represent and I don't believe that anyone else is obligated to do so either.

    I hope you enjoyed the conference and had fun balancing your energy. ;-)


  • Tish: I agree. I had a great time and definitely noticed this difference as well. Looking forward to next year's event.

  • Well,I am looking to have a thought published.Not sure where to begin.It has a copy right ,but what's the next step? Here is is. Tues.Aug.1/06 1230am Tonight in my car,I came to a realization..in a somewhat odd mind set.You need thing all your life.You need a bottle,you need a bike,you need your friends,you need your family,you need an education,you need a partner in life,you need a job,you need to get married and have children...but somewhere along the way you begin to need things you already had...but lost.It seems we only need things when we do not have them...but when we have the things we needed...we forget they are there...and stop needing them anymore.Well somethings in life you need to always need them...even when you already have them.We all do it...take things for granted.From a meal to a relationship.It's like needing a tv because you just moved into your own place and do not have one..but as time goes on...you forget that need.....sometimes you just want a bigger tv...but if that small tv was gone...would we miss it...well....I lost something I forgot I needed....I had it so long..I forgot about it..I forgot that it needed to continue being needed...always...and now that is is gone..I feel like I need it again.But if I get it again...will I stop needing it again.Is it worth it...the price...would it be just cheaper to keep the small tv...or is the price you pay for the bigger one,the better one,worth it...I need ...I need ...I need...we all need to pay attention to what we have....and change what needs to be changed...and we all need to be needed...don't we

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