Categories: DigitalEd

DigitalEd: How to Verify Photos and Videos

Sign up for a DigitalEd course on verifying photos and videos. Photo courtesy hosein ashrafosadat on and used with Creative Commons license.

DigitalEd: How to Verify Photos and Videos

Title: How to Verify Photos and Videos

Instructor: Aric Toler, Analyst, Bellingcat

Learn how to verify photos and videos taken from social networks, especially in the context of breaking news.

With “fake news” such a hot topic, how can you quickly and effectively verify materials that may be, well, fake?

Most fake photos and videos can be checked quite quickly, allowing journalists and researchers to stop the spread of so-called “fake news” before it gets onto your Facebook feed. This course will help you develop an eye for fake photos and video, allowing you to establish the originality and veracity of the content.  These skills are especially useful in a breaking news situation, in which verifying a photo or video will not just tell you if it’s real, but also additional information that can provide additional information for further reporting.

What you’ll learn from this training:

  1. How do you establish the originality of a photo or video?
  2. How do we locate where a photo or video was taken?
  3. How do we know when a photo or video was taken?
  4. What else can we discover once we know when and where a photo or video was taken?


  1. Presentation slides and notes
  2. Case studies and exercises to try outside of training

Who should take this training:

  1. Journalists and editors concerned with verifying content and fact-checking
  2. Researchers and activists who work with user-generated digital content, such as videos on YouTube, photographs from Instagram, and so on.
  3. Journalists and journalism students looking for an edge in discovering potentially hidden information in photographs and videos to further an investigation.

Date and Time: Jan. 17, 2017 at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT

Price: $39

Register now for this online training!

Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.

About the Instructor:

Aric Toler is an analyst at Bellingcat, leading Eurasia and Eastern Europe research. He focused on Russian literature and intellectual history in his graduate studies at the University of Kansas and worked as an intelligence specialist in the private sector before coming to Bellingcat. He leads training workshops in Russian and English to equip journalists, researchers, and activists with digital investigation and verification skills, with a focus on training journalists in the former Soviet Union. His research has focused on verifying Russian-language media, the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and the ongoing investigation into the downing of Flight MH17.

Bianca Fortis :Bianca Fortis is an independent journalist and social media consultant based in New York City. Her work has been published in newspapers throughout the country. She was a recipient of the 2011 Scripps Howard Foundation’s Semester in Washington Fellowship and won the 2013 I.F. Stone Award for Emerging Journalists through the Nation Institute. She is a founding member of the Transborder Media storytelling collective. Follow her on Twitter @biancafortis.

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