Categories: #EdShift Chats

#EdShift Chat: How Adjuncts Can Innovate in the Classroom

Photo by William Iven from Unsplash, under a Creative Commons license.

Believe it or not, summer is winding down and the fall semester is just around the corner. Adjunct professors, especially, are taking this last month of summer to shape syllabi and prepare assignments.

Join MediaShift for a Twitter conversation about the role of adjuncts who are teaching this next generation of journalists. During this chat, we’ll touch upon the ways universities can support adjuncts and brainstorm ways that this group of educators, who often balance teaching with a job in the industry, can continue to innovate in the classroom.

This will be a conversation for both full-time and adjunct professors, as we want to foster dialogue between these two groups.

The chat will be held on Wednesday, July 26 at 1 p.m. Eastern / 12 noon Central / 10 a.m. Pacific Time. Follow the #EdShift hashtag on Twitter to join the conversation.

Participants include: John Anderson of Brooklyn College, Andrea Hickerson of the Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Nash Cunningham of the University of New Mexico, Mark Poepsel of SIU Edwardsville, and Timi Poeppelman of CSU Sacramento.

Melissa DiPento :

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