1. Media Startups Try a Lower-Cost Model: Unpaid Student Writers
(Austen Hufford / Wall Street Journal)
2. The Economist is Using Medium to Give Readers an Inside Look at Its Reporting and Production (Ricardo Bilton / Nieman Lab)
3. ‘You Can’t Shrink Your Way to Profitability’: Jeff Bezos Talks About the Future of Newspapers (Daniel Funke/ Poynter)
4. Meredith Increased Revenue Per Visit 20 Percent By Getting Ads to Load Faster (Ross Benes / Digiday)
5. Democracy Fund Announces $2 Million Fund to Match Donations to Nonprofit Newsrooms (Tom Glaisyer / Democracy Fund)
6. WhatsApp Rises As a Major Force in News Media (Leo Kelion / BBC)
7. Jon Ossoff, The Congressional Candidate Social Media Built (Issie Lapowsky / Wired)