Categories: EventsMust Reads

Upcoming Events in Digital Media: May 8 Edition

Engage Prague, a social media marketing summit, takes place May 17-19. Photo by Michael Levine-Clark on Flickr and used with Creative Commons license.

Each week, MediaShift posts an ongoing list of upcoming events in the digital media and journalism world. These will be a mix of MediaShift-produced events and other events. If we’re missing any major events, or you’d like to pay to promote your event in the “featured event” spot of our weekly post, please contact Mark Glaser at mark [at] mediashift [dot] org. Any non-MediaShift events in the “featured event” slot are paid placements. Also, be sure to sign up for our events email newsletter to get notifications about future MediaShift events. Note: Event descriptions are excerpts, edited for length and clarity.

Featured Event

Journalism School Hackathon at University of North Texas
October 20-22, 2017
Denton, Texas

MediaShift is producing our fifth Journalism School Hackathon on the weekend of October 20-22, 2017, co-produced by the Mayborn School of Journalism at the University of North Texas (near Dallas-Fort Worth). We’re convening a group of top students (graduates and undergraduates), faculty and professionals for the weekend Hackathon, with a real-world mission of creating startups in the sports and health areas. Students will have a chance to collaborate on diverse teams of students with faculty and pro facilitators.

Get more info and register here!

Students can apply for Travel Scholarships (up to $500) here!

MAY 2017

Engage Prague
May 17-19, 2017
Engage is a social media marketing summit that brings together leading experts, delivers insights into the latest trends, endless networking opportunities, and hands-on workshops hosted by the sharpest minds in social media.
More information and registration here.

Elevate Engagement
May 18-21, 2017
Portland, Ore.
How can the public engage, not as an audience, consumers or marketplace, but as participants, with journalists, in creating civic structures for engagement and storytelling? In addition, how must news organizations and journalists evolve so they are seen by diverse communities as trustworthy and culturally competent enough to tell their stories?
More information and registration here.

JUNE 2017

Northside Festival
June 7-9, 2017
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Northside Innovation, taking place in the heart of North Williamsburg, Brooklyn will welcome a vibrant community of startup founders, entrepreneurs, designers, journalists, VCs, developers, and more across three days of keynote talks, interviews, panels, workshops, pitch competitions, VR playground, and evening parties. Talks will cover a wide range of themes across many technology-driven industries, including: startups, entertainment, activism, marketing, design, food, music, and fashion. The New York Times dubbed Northside “a compact and intensely Brooklyn counterpoint to South by Southwest.”
More information and registration here.

Northside Report
June 7-8, 2017
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Northside Report: “You Are Fake News”: Truth, Lies, and Politics in the Age of Trump, is a two-day event focused on making sense of journalism and media in 2017. Produced by The Intercept and BuzzFeed News, topics will explore the changes occurring within news and modern media, and the critical role it plays within our political landscape. Taking place within Northside Innovation on June 8th and 9th, both days will feature special guests and significant personalities that are all thought leaders in technology, politics, media, and the current state of news.
More information and registration here.

Viva Technology
June 15-17, 2017
Paris, France
VivaTech is where big companies and bold startups work together on audacious innovations that can transform businesses.
More information and registration here.

Future Con
June 16-18, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Future Con will highlight the intersection of science, technology, and science fiction inside DC’s largest pop culture event.
More information and registration here.

GEN Summit
June 21-23, 2017
Vienna, Austria
The GEN Summit 2017 will gather over 750 editors-in-chief and media innovators from over 70 countries. The event will be divided into daily themes: Disruption (21 June), Innovation (22 June), Cooperation (23 June).
More information and registration here.

Images and Voices of Hope 2017 Summit
June 22-25, 2017
Freehold, NY
Images & Voices of Hope will hold its annual media summit from June 22-25 in the Catskill Mountains of New York. The summit will focus on Restorative Narrative and related storytelling approaches, including Solutions Storytelling, Constructive Storytelling, and Peace Storytelling.
More information and registration here.

Latino Media Summit
June 23-24, 2017
New York City
The CUNY Graduate School of Journalism is hosting the Latino Media Summit to celebrate the first anniversary of our Spanish-language journalism program, a unique initiative to train bilingual journalists with a specific focus on U.S. Latino audiences and the larger Spanish-language world.
More information and registration here.

NBCUniversal Social Hack
June 23-24, 2017
New York City
Developers, designers and data scientists are invited to apply their skills to help prototype solutions for real-world problems at the NBCUniversal Social Hack.
More information and registration here.


Global Fact 4
July 5-7, 2017
Madrid, Spain
The Global Fact-Checking Summit is the premier conference for fact-checkers worldwide. It is the largest international gathering of organizations that regularly publish nonpartisan reports on the accuracy of statements by public figures, major institutions and other widely circulated claims of interest to society.
More information and registration here.

JEA Advisers Institute 2017
July 10-13, 2017
Las Vegas, NV
JEA’s Advisers Institute brings journalism teachers from across the country together for a week of adviser-specific training and networking.
More information and registration here.

AAJA National Convention
July 26-29, 2017
Philadelphia, Pa.
The four-day convention includes plenary sessions, panel workshops, seminars and other activities with interactive discussions about industry and community issues.
More information and registration here.

KDD 2017
Aug. 13-17, 2017
KDD 2017 is a premier interdisciplinary conference bringing together researchers and practitioners from data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data.
More information and registration here.

WordCamp for Publishers: Denver
Aug. 17-19, 2017
Denver, Colo.
WordCamp for Publishers is a community-organized event bringing together folks who use WordPress to manage publications, big or small. This event will empower participants by coaching them on best practices, and encourage collaboration in building open source tools for publishers.
More information and registration here.

Digital Media Strategies USA
Sept. 6-8, 2017
New York City
Digital Media Strategies USA brings together leading CEOs, senior executives and innovators from newspapers, magazines, B2B publishers, broadcasters and digital media businesses both new and old, big and small, as well as brands and agencies. All speakers are briefed to share honestly on their challenges and how they are addressing them, offering insights, war stories, data and hard lessons from their experience.
More information and registration here.

Excellence in Journalism 2017
Sept. 7-9, 2017
Anaheim, Calif.
The Society of Professional Journalists, the Radio Television Digital News Association and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists hosts their annual convention, welcoming all professionals in journalism, including: newsroom decision makers, leaders, station managers, reporters, producers, content managers, editors, freelancers and educators — people who are looking to implement new technologies, software products and journalism best practices in their newsrooms.
More information and registration here.

Oct. 5-7, 2017
Washington, D.C.
ONA17 brings together some of the most innovative minds in digital media, including journalists, media executives, developers, entrepreneurs, students and educators.
More information and registration here.

World Conference of Science Journalists
Oct. 26-30, 2017
The 10th World Conference of Science Journalists will bring together 1,200–1,400 professionals dedicated to engaging, incisive, accurate, and high-quality science journalism.
More information and registration here.

Oct. 27-29, 2017
The Journalism & Women Symposium will host its Conference and Mentoring Project (CAMP), which offers professional development, training, inspiring speakers and an opportunity to support networking, mentoring and friendship among women in journalism.
More information and registration here.

Mozilla Festival
Oct. 27-29, 2017
The world’s leading festival for the open Internet movement.
More information and registration here.


Bianca Fortis is the associate editor at MediaShift, an independent journalist and social media consultant. She is a founding member of the Transborder Media storytelling collective. Follow her on Twitter @biancafortis.

Bianca Fortis :Bianca Fortis is an independent journalist and social media consultant based in New York City. Her work has been published in newspapers throughout the country. She was a recipient of the 2011 Scripps Howard Foundation’s Semester in Washington Fellowship and won the 2013 I.F. Stone Award for Emerging Journalists through the Nation Institute. She is a founding member of the Transborder Media storytelling collective. Follow her on Twitter @biancafortis.

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