Categories: #MetricShift ChatsMetrics

#MetricShift Chat: Careers for Journalists in Metrics & Impact

As we head into 2017, analyzing and acting on data and audience insights will continue to be one of the challenges facing media organizations. We’ve written about how that also means there will be opportunities for new roles, career advancement and the ability to make a real difference for those who understand metrics.

In our #MetricShift chat, we talk about opportunities in newsrooms, classroom and fellows for journalists who understand the power of metrics and impact.

The chat, which you can find by searching for #MetricShift on Twitter, will be moderated by Tim Cigelske, associate editor of metrics at MediaShift. Guest will include Herbert Lowe, director of the Perry and Alicia O’Brien Fellowship in Public Service Journalism at Marquette University; Joel Christopher, Louisville Courier-Journal executive editor and vice president of news; Jennifer Sadler, Instructor of Integrated Marketing Communication at University of Mississippi; and Jason Alcorn, MediaShift.org metrics section editor and a local news consultant with the Democracy Fund.

A Storify recap of the chat is listed below.

Tim Cigelske :Director of Social Media and adjunct professor of media writing and social media analytics at Marquette University. Author of 'Analytics to Action.' Advocate for walking meetings.

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