Categories: BusinessDigitalEd

DigitalEd: How to Boost Engagement with User and A/B Testing

How to Boost Engagement with User and A/B Testing

Title: How to Boost Engagement with User and A/B Testing

Instructor: Emily Yount, Interaction designer, The Washington Post 

What the Post Learned from A/B Testing and How to Set Up Your Own Tests Quickly

If you work in a digital role (in a newsroom, design agency, tech company, you name it), you are an internet super-user. Translation: you have a lot to learn about how your content is consumed. On the Post Graphics team, we aim to track and test something new on every project and have gained valuable insight from user testing, A/B testing and custom analytics code — including what doesn’t work.

In this training, you’ll learn: 

  • Basic principles of A/B testing and custom analytics
  • Storytelling and user experience lessons learned
  • How to run your own user test in less than two hours


  1. User testing set-up guide
  2. Sample user testing script
  3. Recommended reading list

Who should take this training: 

Reporters and designers looking to learn from their audiences and increase engagement in their stories. (Yes, reporters! Testing isn’t just for visual folks). You don’t need to know how to write code or work for a large organization to learn from this training.

Date and Time: March 1, 2017 at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT

Price: $39

Register now for the online training!

Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Free registration for BigMarker is required.

About the instructor: Emily Yount is a designer and front-end developer on the PostGraphics story team, which collaborates with the newsroom and engineering to experiment with story form and user-generated content. The team’s ultimate goal is to increase engagement with The Washington Post’s journalism.


Emily Yount :

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