Categories: Social MediaSocial Networking

Storyclash’s Top Social Media Interactions for Publishers and Stories in October 2016

Photo by Bhupinder Nayyar and used here with Creative Commons license.

Each month, MediaShift will post a chart from Storyclash ranking publishers and news stories that get the most social media interactions. Storyclash regularly publishes rankings of Social Media Trends, covering online articles with the most social media interactions on Facebook and Google+.

Below is a look at the top stories and publishers in Storyclash’s anlysis for the month of October and it should be no surprise: election news dominated what people shared, liked and engaged with. While Little Things still tops the rankings, interactions did drop for the publisher in October, and the Huffington Post’s interactions are climbing.

Storyclash tracks social media interactions around thousands of stories every minute, giving newsrooms a real-time view of what’s trending right now. With Storyclash Insights, publishers are able to react on trends, watch competitors in real-time and make data driven decisions to optimize their content. Manuel Brosch is marketing manager at Storyclash.

Manuel Brosch :Manuel is the Marketing Manager for StoryClash.

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