Categories: MetricsSocial Media

Storyclash’s Top Social Media Interactions for Publishers and Stories in September 2016

Photo by Charis Tsevis and used here with Creative Commons license.

Each month, MediaShift will post a chart from Storyclash ranking publishers and news stories that get the most social media interactions. Storyclash regularly publishes rankings of Social Media Trends, covering online articles with the most social media interactions on Facebook and Google+.

As you can see on the chart Top Sites,, a website about inspiring and uplifting content, is the king of social media articles with more than 31 million interactions overall, closely followed by The Huffington Post with almost 25 million interactions. Considered as a whole, Rolling Stone has made the biggest leap forward with a plus of 195,93 % compared to the previous month.

The Top Posts on the other hand have nearly reached 1 million interactions. The first two pieces deal with very emotional issues – racism and Alzheimer’s Disease. Based on these results, you can clearly see what really moves the United States at the present time.

Note: Some articles are older than the concerning month, but still get enough interactions in the corresponding period to be listed above.
Storyclash tracks social media interactions around thousands of stories every minute, giving newsrooms a real-time view of what’s trending right now. With Storyclash Insights, publishers are able to react on trends, watch competitors in real-time and make data driven decisions to optimize their content. Manuel Brosch is marketing manager at Storyclash. His passion is to write about social media topics and marketing trends in general.

Manuel Brosch :Manuel is the Marketing Manager for StoryClash.

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