Categories: Must Reads

Must Reads in Media & Technology: Sept. 30

Must Reads is MediaShift’s daily curation of the big stories about media and technology from across the web. Sign up here to get these delivered right to your inbox.

1. Survey of Large Publishers: 30 Percent of Our Website Visits Come From Facebook (Joseph Lichterman / Nieman Lab)

2. Washington Post Initiative Aims to Keep Reporters From Writing ‘Unnecessarily Long’ (Bejamin Mullin / Poynter)

3. The Inevitable Burst of the Video Bubble (Esther Kezia Harding / The Media Briefing)

4. Publishers Tweak Their Approach to Facebook Live (Jeremy Barr / AdAge)

5. The Times of London is Shuttering Its International Paid Weekly App (Joseph Lichterman / Nieman Lab)

6. Why Time Inc. is Expanding Its Contributor Networks (Max Willens / Digiday)

Kelly O'Mara :Kelly is a reporter outside San Francisco. She writes about endurance sports for espnW, VICE, and Competitor Magazine, and manages the internet for the local NPR station.

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