Categories: #MetricShift ChatsMetrics

#Metricshift Chat: Informing and Training Colleagues

You’re the resident expert in your office on all things analytics, metrics and digital measurement.

Now what?

Gathering data and measurement on your publishing is usually the easy part. Often, the hard part comes in making that data accessible to colleagues, helping them understand it, and making it useful so it can have an impact.

In our #MetricShift chat on Friday, August 12, we discuss how you can inform and train colleagues to use analytics and digital measurement in their daily work.

The chat, which you can find by searching for #MetricShift on Twitter, will be moderated by Tim Cigelske, associate metrics section editor for MediaShift. Guests will include Delaney Simmons, social media director at WNYC; Justin Bank, senior editor, internet and audience at the New York Times; Marcus Riley, director of digital media for WTMJ; Max Alter, digital content manager at , journalism student at City University London; and Jason Alcorn, metrics section editor for MediaShift.

A Storify recap is posted below:

Tim Cigelske :Director of Social Media and adjunct professor of media writing and social media analytics at Marquette University. Author of 'Analytics to Action.' Advocate for walking meetings.

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