Categories: Must Reads

E-Books & Self-Publishing Roundup: July 5

Each Tuesday, we curate the top stories of the week in e-books and self-publishing. Sign up here to get these delivered right to your inbox.

1. The Challenge of Arabic Digitisation – and Why it Matters (Rabia Barkatulla / The Bookseller)

2. Before You Start a Podcast: 4 Tips for Authors (Devon Fredericksen / Jane Friedman)

3. Microsoft will Release a New Surface Device this Year (Michael Kozlowski/ Good E-Reader)

4. Benetech Partners with Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Services to Bring Bookshare to Patrons with Print Disabilities (Laura Deck / Benetech)

5. Penguin Random House CEO: Publishing ‘Undeniably a Force for Good’ (Daniel Berkowitz / Digital Book World)

Kelly O'Mara :Kelly is a reporter outside San Francisco. She writes about endurance sports for espnW, VICE, and Competitor Magazine, and manages the internet for the local NPR station.

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