Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads in Media & Technology: July 15

Must Reads is MediaShift’s daily curation of the big stories about media and technology from across the web. Sign up here to get these delivered right to your inbox.

1. As Nice Horror Unfolds, French Authorities Urge Social Media Users to Avoid Sharing Rumors (Alexios Mantzarlis / Poynter)

2. The Public Records Process Can Be Messy. Muckrock Hopes to Tidy It Up. (Chava Gourarie / CJR)

3. Newsonomics: Are Ads on Top News Sites Worth More? A New Study Says Yes (Ken Doctor / Nieman Lab)

4. Nick Denton Says Giving Up on Reader Comments Is a Big Mistake (Mathew Ingram / Fortune)

5. Trump, Clinton Both Threaten Free Press (Carol E. Lee and Jeff Mason / USA Today)

6. Top Beltway Reporters Promulgate Absurd False Equivalence on Clinton, Trump (Erik Wemple / Washington Post)

Kelly O'Mara :Kelly is a reporter outside San Francisco. She writes about endurance sports for espnW, VICE, and Competitor Magazine, and manages the internet for the local NPR station.

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