Categories: EventsMust Reads

Upcoming Events in Digital Media: June 13 Edition

ONA Local events in Los Angeles, pictured here, and Portland are among the new additions to this week's post. Photo by Kevin Stanchfield on Flickr and used here with Creative Commons license.

Each week, MediaShift posts an ongoing list of upcoming events in the digital media and journalism world. These will be a mix of MediaShift-produced events and other events. If we’re missing any major events, or you’d like to pay to promote your event in the “featured event” spot of our weekly post, please contact Mark Glaser at mark [at] mediashift [dot] org. Any non-MediaShift events in the “featured event” slot are paid placements. Also, be sure to sign up for our events email newsletter to get notifications about future MediaShift events. 

JUNE 2016

Identity Politics: Black, White, Male, Female, and In Between
June 14, 2016
CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, New York City
From Ferguson to Trump’s presidential campaign and “bathroom rights,” race, gender and LGBTQ issues are among today’s most burning social and political debates. Partnering for the first time, the Deadline Club and NYABJ will ask how we in the media are doing and how we can do better covering these hot-button issues.
More information and registration here.

GEN Summit 2016
June 15-17, 2016
Vienna, Austria
The Global Editors Network annual conference features a special focus on virtual reality journalism.
More information and registration here.

Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference
June 16-19, 2016
New Orleans, Louisiana
The best in the business will gather for more than 150 panels, hands-on classes and special presentations about covering business, public safety, government, health care, education, the military, the environment and other key beats. Speakers will share strategies for locating documents and gaining access to public records, finding the best stories and managing investigations.
More information and registration here.

ONA LA: Summer Social
June 21, 2016
The Monarch Bar at Clifton’s, Los Angeles
Kick off the summer with ONA LA! Meet us at The Monarch Bar at Clifton’s. It has a retro soda fountain plus surprising beer and cocktail offerings.
More information and registration here.

JULY 2016

Digital Publishing Innovation Summit
July 13-14, 2016
New York City
This summit will tackle the 4 biggest points within digital publishing:
– How To Utilize Third Party Publishing Channels
– Monetization, Ad Blockers, & The Future of Your Revenue
– Content Types and What Will Work Best in 2016
– How Big is Wearable Tech to Publishers?
More information and registration here.

Ad Age Small Agency Conference 2016
July 19-20, 2016
Miami Beach, Florida
Join us for the only event tailor-made for small- to mid-size agencies. After a fun evening of networking over cocktails on July 19, your peers gather on July 20 for a focused, day-long conversation that tackles the challenges and opportunities of this unique market. Be ready to walk away inspired and with how-to advice you and your team can put to use immediately.
More information here.

The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference
July 22-24, 2016
Grapevine, Texas
The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference is a forum for journalists, writers, readers, students, educators and the general public to listen to, be inspired by and practice their craft at the highest possible level. Every year, the Mayborn Conference gathers some of the most talented storytellers in the country to share their stories, life-changing experiences and expertise with aspiring writers through three days of lectures, panels, one-on-one sessions, and student classes. In addition, the conference includes a variety of writing contests for anyone from high school students to Pulitzer prize winning professionals, who receive hand-made trophies, more than $26,000 in cash awards and have their work published in Mayborn’s journal, Ten Spurs, or anthology, Best American Newspaper Narratives.
More information and registration here

ONA Portland: Day of Wine and Drones with SPJ
July 24, 2016
Portland, Oregon
Join us for an afternoon of drone demonstrations and a panel discussion about the ethical, legal and practical issues to consider when working with drones in journalism. This event takes place at Provincial Vineyards in the beautiful wine country of Washington County, where we will be able to fly drones across the property. Ticket price includes a wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres… This program is put on by the Oregon Territory Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Portland Chapter of the Online News Association.
More information and registration here.

Association for Women in Sports Media Annual Convention
July 28-31, 2016
Miami, Florida
The Miami 2016 convention (#AWSM2016) will feature a wide array of panels geared toward continuing education for sports and media professionals. The opening panel, “A Seat at the Table,” will include Stephanie Druley, ESPN’s senior vice president of production/college networks; Wendy Lewis, senior vice president of diversity and strategic alliances at Major League Baseball, and Mindy Marques Gonzalez, vice president of news and executive editor of The Miami Herald.
More information and registration here.

August 2016

2016 NABJ/NAHJ Annual Convention and Career Fair
Aug. 3-7, 2016
Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.
The 2016 NABJ and NAHJ Annual Convention and Career Fair is the premier venue for journalism education and career development for the nation’s leaders in media, business, arts and entertainment, and technology! The two largest minority journalist organizations in the United States are joining forces and drawing on our collective strengths to offer unequalled opportunities for face-to-face networking and professional development.
More information and registration here. Register by Mar. 1 for early-bird pricing. 

CAR Boot Camp – August
Aug. 7-11, 2016
Columbia, Missouri
Learn how to acquire electronic information, use spreadsheets and databases to analyze the information and translate that information into high-impact stories. In addition, NICAR provides follow-up help when participants return to their news organizations.
More information and registration here.

26th Annual AAJA National Convention
August 10-13, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada
Join us for the largest convergence of Asian Pacific Islander American professionals in the nation at the 26th Annual AAJA National Convention at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, August 10-13, 2016! AAJA is partnering with Asian Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) to bring together journalists, news executives, media researchers, business leaders, community action groups and nonprofits at the 2016 convention, which will feature a Presidential Candidate Town Hall.
More information and registration here.

Mapping Boot Camp – August
Aug. 12-14
Columbia, Missouri
IRE and NICAR conducts this hands-on training using the latest version of ArcView GIS. We will look at noteworthy stories that have used mapping and show you how to uncover stories using census and other data. The sessions will include address geocoding, thematic mapping, overlaying and spatial analysis.
More information and registration here.

September 2016

ASNE-APME 2016 Convention
Sept. 11-14, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Plan now to attend the American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors annual conference Sept. 11-14 in Philadelphia. A full conference schedule and links to register for the conference and hotel will be available in coming weeks.
More information here.

TechCrunch Disrupt
Sep. 12-14, 2016
San Francisco, California
TechCrunch Disrupt is the world’s leading authority in debuting revolutionary startups, introducing game-changing technologies, and discussing what’s top of mind for the tech industry’s key innovators. Disrupt gathers the best and brightest entrepreneurs, investors, hackers and tech fans for on-stage interviews, the Startup Battlefield competition, a 24-hour Hackathon, Startup Alley, Hardware Alley and After Parties.
More information and tickets here.

ONA 16
Sept. 15-17, 2016
Hyatt Regency Denver, 650 15th Street, Denver, CO
Record-breaking numbers of journalists travel to ONA’s conference each year to learn about new tools, techniques and technologies, to discuss advancements and challenges in the industry, take advantage of the rare opportunity to network face-to-face, and share best practices with peers from all over the map.
More information and registration here.

Excellence in Journalism 2016 Convention
Sep. 18-20, 2016
New Orleans, Louisiana
The Radio Television Digital News Association, National Association of Hispanic Journalists and Society of Professional Journalists present their Excellence in Journalism 2016 Convention.
More information to come here.

Ad:Tech Tokyo
Sep. 20-21, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
Ad:Tech is a conference and exhibition where the marketing, technology and media communities come together to share new ways of thinking, build strong partnerships, and define new strategies to address the key industry challenges and opportunities.
More information and registration here.

Society of Environmental Journalists Annual Conference
Sep. 21-25, 2016
Sacramento, California
SEJ’s annual conference is titled “Land of Extremes, Home of Big Dreams.” From the heights of Mount Whitney to the depths of Death Valley, the Golden State is home to the largest population, biggest economy, strictest environmental standards and smoggiest skies in the U.S. Forward thinking and remarkable diversity make California the proving ground for tests and solutions on water supply, urban renewal, energy use, sustainable agriculture, air quality, climate change and more.
More information and registration here.

Uncovering Asia: 2nd Asia Investigative News Journalism Conference
Sep. 23-25, 2016
Kathmandu, Nepal
Uncovering Asia II — The Asian Investigative Journalism Conference — is co-hosted by the Centre for Investigative Journalism, Nepal, the Global Investigative Journalism Network, and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. We will be featuring an all-star line-up of top investigative and data journalists from around the world.
More information here.

Data Journalism and Digital Humanities Symposium
Sep. 30-Oct. 1
Miami, Florida
Digital humanists and data journalists face common challenges, opportunities, and goals, such as how to communicate effectively with the public. They use similar software tools, programming languages, and techniques, and they can learn from each other. Join us for lectures and tutorials about shared data types, visualization methods, and data communication — including text visualization, network diagrams, maps, databases and data wrangling. In addition to the scheduled content, there will be opportunities for casual conversation and networking. The DH+DJ Symposium will take place in the Newman Alumni Center at the University of Miami (Coral Gables Campus).
More information and registration here.

October 2016 & Beyond

National College Media Convention
Oct. 20-23, 2016
Washington D.C.
The National College Media Convention is the largest gathering of college journalists and advisers in the world. Associated Collegiate Press prepares more than 350 practical and professional learning sessions, from high-profile keynotes to specific, problem-solving breakouts, hands-on workshops and discussion groups. Other convention activities include an exhibit hall with vendors who sell to student media, Best of Show contest, receptions, awards convocations, critiques and a newspaper job fair.
More information and registration here.

Ad:Tech NY
Nov. 2-3, 2016
New York City
Ad:Tech is a conference and exhibition where the marketing, technology and media communities come together to share new ways of thinking, build strong partnerships, and define new strategies to address the key industry challenges and opportunities.
More information and registration here.

People-Powered Publishing Conference
Nov. 10, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
In newsrooms, nonprofits and universities, civic-minded journalists, developers, and engagement practitioners are building tools and telling stories that put audiences first and push the envelope of the traditional reporting process. In partnership with Hearken, GroundSource, City Bureau and the Crowd Powered News Network, and with support from the Pulitzer Prize Centennial Campfires Initiative, Illinois Humanities is convening these like-minded pioneers for a one-day conference highlighting innovative projects and practices that build stronger connections between reporters and the publics they cover. This conference aims to provide opportunities to share resources, talk about what’s working, and strengthen one another’s work. We want you there. To propose a session for the conference, fill out the application by April 29th.
More information and registration here.

National High School Journalism Convention
Nov. 10-13, 2016
Indianapolis, Indiana
The National High School Journalism Convention is a semiannual gathering of high school journalists and advisers sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and its partner, the National Scholastic Press Association. The associations partner to prepare hundreds of practical and professional learning sessions, from high-profile keynotes to specific, problem-solving breakouts, hands-on workshops and discussion groups. Other convention activities include an exhibit hall with vendors who sell to student media, JEA’s on-site Write-off contests, NSPA’s Best of Show contest, receptions, awards convocations, critiques, career round tables and evening entertainment.
More information and registration here

Ad:Tech Kansai
Dec. 1-2, 2016
Kansai, Japan
Ad:Tech is a conference and exhibition where the marketing, technology and media communities come together to share new ways of thinking, build strong partnerships, and define new strategies to address the key industry challenges and opportunities.
More information and registration here.

Ben DeJarnette is the associate editor at MediaShift. He is also a freelance contributor for Pacific Standard, InvestigateWest, Men’s Journal, Runner’s World, Oregon Quarterly and others. He’s on Twitter @BenDJduck.

Ben DeJarnette :

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