Categories: #MetricShift ChatsMetricsUncategorized

#MetricShift Chat: Metrics for Non-Profits

Do non-profit and for-profit media companies approach metrics differently?

It seems intuitive that there’s a difference between, say, BuzzFeed and NPR, but we’ll take a closer look at how or if those differences can or should translate into different metrics such as traffic, engagement and impact.

In our #MetricShift chat on Friday, May 13, starting at 1 p.m. ET / 12 p.m CT / 10 a.m. PT, we’ll talk about how non-profit media companies are approaching metrics — and how they compare or contrast with the for-profit sector. 

The chat, which you can find by searching for #MetricShift on Twitter, will be moderated by Tim Cigelske, associate editor of MediaShift’s Metrics Section. Guests will include Leif Brostrom, social media and web specialist at Twin Cities Public Television; Michael Olson, Minnesota Public Radio News’ digital director; Jason Alcorn, consultant to newsrooms, foundations and nonprofits; June Findlay, online community developer for YMCA of Greater Toronto; Mary Henige, communications consultant and founder of Magnetica Communications; and Alexandra Kanik, MetricShift editor.

A Storify is posted below

Tim Cigelske :Director of Social Media and adjunct professor of media writing and social media analytics at Marquette University. Author of 'Analytics to Action.' Advocate for walking meetings.

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