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#EdShift Chat: Empowering Female Entrepreneurs in Media

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Photo by Krassy Can Do It on Flickr and used here with Creative Commons license.

More than ever, women are driving economic development and emerging as entrepreneurs across all industries. Companies owned by women account for 30 percent of all new businesses, and the number of women-owned businesses is expected to nearly double over the next five years.

How are female entrepreneurs changing the face of media? We’ll dive into how female-led media startups are contributing and what more women can do to add to the conversation in our #EdShift chat on Tuesday, March 15, starting at 1 p.m. Eastern time/Noon Central/10 a.m. Pacific. We’ll be having our discussion ahead of MediaShift’s Hack the Gender Gap Makeathon with West Virginia University’s Reed College of Media, taking place April 1-3.

The chat, which you can find by searching for the #EdShift Twitter hashtag, will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Guests will include Jan Schaffer of American University and J-LabAmy Eisman of American UniversityAmy Kovac-Ashley, Nancy Andrews and Dana Coester of West Virginia UniversityMichelle Ferrier of Ohio University, Motherly co-founder Jill Koziol, Matter Storyteller Rebecca Bowring, Metta chief executive officer Ceci Mourkogiannis, Lindsay Stewart of Stringr and more.

Here is a Storify of the chat:

Stacy Forster :

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