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#EdShift Chat: Getting Foundation Funding

Photo by khrawlings used here with Creative Commons license.

As the media industry continues its ongoing, roiling transition, one critical piece is in question: where will the dollars to support journalism — in all forms — come from? More and more, journalism organizations and educators turn to funding from foundations to launch projects, prompt innovation and simply keep publishing.

But applying for funding can be a full-time job in itself. There’s a maze of requirements and rules to follow, and you have to understand what kinds of organizations might be able to help. We’ll tackle what you need to know to get started in applying for and receiving foundation funding in an #EdShift chat at 1 p.m. Eastern time/Noon Central/10 a.m. Pacific time, on Tuesday, Nov. 17.

The chat, which you can find by searching for the #EdShift Twitter hashtag, will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Guests will include MediaShift‘s own Mark Glaser, Lauren Fuhrmann of the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, Jenny Choi of the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Miguel Castro of the Gates Foundation, Matt Waite of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Molly de Aguiar of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and more.

To learn more about how to get started on applying for foundation funding, join the DigitalEd session on Wednesday, Nov. 18.

Here is a Storify compilation of the chat.

Stacy Forster :

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