Categories: Events

Upcoming Events in Digital Media: Oct. 5 Edition

Photo by Richard Scott and used here with Creative Commons license.

Each week, MediaShift posts an ongoing list of upcoming events in the digital media and journalism world. These will be a mix of MediaShift-produced events and other events. If we’re missing any major events, or you’d like to pay to promote your event in the “featured event” spot of our weekly post, please contact Mark Glaser at mark [at] mediashift [dot] org. Any non-MediaShift events in the “featured event” slot are paid placements. Also, be sure to sign up for our events email newsletter to get notifications about future MediaShift events.


Mobile Me & You
Learn more about mobile media best practices from 20 experts at the Mobile Me & You conference at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Oct. 28-30. The free conference, funded by the Knight Foundation, will feature experts from the Washington Post, McClatchy Newspapers, Univision, Al Jazeera, NBC Digital Group, Pew Research Center, Archrival advertising agency and UNL’s Drone Journalism Lab, among others.
More information here.
Register here!


Digiday Publishing Summit Europe
Oct. 5-7, 2015
Barcelona, Spain
Today’s publishers face a daily dilemma of choosing the right platform on which to display their content, the fear of becoming overly dependent on any one site, or missing the boat entirely on the newest crucial trend. The Digiday Publishing Summit Europe will explore the ways publishers are navigating the platform space to stay afloat, as well as experimenting with new revenue streams and fighting the ad blocker battle.
Register here.

New York Media Festival (NYME)
Oct. 6-9, 2015
Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280
NYME brings together the leading companies in entertainment, media and technology for riveting discussion and debate. Conferences include 1-day programs on Games, Video and Music with focus on Brands, Advertising, Monetization and Distribution.
Register here.

Oct. 7-8, 2015
Half Moon Bay, CA
Following the success of the inaugural event last year, Code/Mobile returns to examine how an increasingly mobile world is changing the landscape of business, and to showcase companies that are leading that revolution. Join us to meet executives whose companies are driving this change, as well as leaders from the industries being transformed.
Information here.

Future of Storytelling Summit
Oct. 7-8, 2015
New York City, NY
The Future of Storytelling is an invitation-only, two-day gathering of technology, media, and communications visionaries from around the world. The summit is designed to put participants in direct contact with the most vital ideas, people, and technologies that are shaping the way we tell stories. Registration is by invitation only; you can apply for an invitation request here.

Hack the Gender Gap: A Women’s Hackathon at USC Annenberg
Oct. 9-11, 2015
Los Angeles
There’s a serious gender gap in both the journalism and technology industries — especially in business and leadership roles. That’s why MediaShift and the USC Annenberg School for Journalism and Communication are hosting a Women’s Hackathon — a weekend designed to develop technological and entrepreneurial skills critical to the journalism jobs of the future, and gain hands-on experience with immersive journalism and virtual reality. Taking place on October 9 to 11, 2015, the weekend will kick off Friday evening with a discussion among top women in media and tech. Then the students will break into teams to create their own startup ideas around immersive journalism and VR, presenting them to judges on Sunday. Faculty and professionals from around the country will serve as team facilitators and mentors.

Information is here.
Registration is here.

Tow Tea: Computational Journalism in Practice
Oct. 15, 2015, 4-5:30 ET
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The Tow Center for Digital Journalism is pleased to host a Tow Tea on Computational Journalism. We will be joined by Meredith Broussard, Visiting Professor at NYU, Olga Pierce, Deputy Data Editor of ProPublica, and Tom Kent, deputy managing editor and standards editor of the Associated Press, for what promises to be an exciting discussion regarding this most important topic.
Register here.

Trauma Journalism: Training for Educators
Oct. 15-17, 2015
Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia
This two-day conference at the Reynolds Journalism Institute will teach journalism educators about the impact of trauma on individuals and communities, how to build resilience through reporting and provide hands-on help in creating units or standalone courses and capstone classes on trauma. Participants will walk away with a deeper knowledge of the dynamics of trauma and resilience, the elements of self care, and how to navigate classroom discussions of some of the most sensitive topics journalists encounter in their work.
Information here.

Alternative Narratives of the Middle East
Oct. 17, 2015
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The event will highlight best practices and offer guidance to journalists and journalism students on covering the region in ways that move beyond the recurring conflict motifs to reveal the diversity and complexity of world views and lived experiences of those who live in the region
Information here.

Ascend Digital Marketing Summit
Oct. 18-20, 2015
Conquer the digital marketing landscape. Ascend brings together the brightest minds in the industry to learn the strategies and tactics it takes to create successful, results-driven marketing campaigns. Taking place in Philadelphia, the 2-day event will feature practical insights and anecdotes to help you become the ultimate digital marketer.
Register here.

The Lorana Sullivan Lecture on Investigative Journalism With Bethany McClean
Oct. 20, 2015, 6-7pm ET
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The second annual Lorana Sullivan Lecture for investigative journalism will feature Bethany McLean, Vanity Fair contributing editor and investigative journalist who exposed Enron in her 2001 piece, “Is Enron Overpriced?” RSVP is required for all parties beyond Journalism students. To RSVP, email A reception will follow. #CJSSullivan. Contact: Lauren Schaefer, 212-854-9891
Information here.

The Lorana Sullivan Lecture on Investigative Journalism With Bethany McClean
Oct. 20, 2015, 6-7pm ET
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The second annual Lorana Sullivan Lecture for investigative journalism will feature Bethany McLean, Vanity Fair contributing editor and investigative journalist who exposed Enron in her 2001 piece, “Is Enron Overpriced?” RSVP is required for all parties beyond Journalism students. To RSVP, email A reception will follow. #CJSSullivan. Contact: Lauren Schaefer, 212-854-9891
Information here.

DMLA 20th Annual Conference
Oct. 25, 2015, 7pm ET
Hyatt Regency, Jersey City
The annual marketing conference is renowned for providing insights on innovation, true inspiration and pivotal information to help your company. It’s impossible to stay current on everything that is going on in our ever-evolving industry. We bring the most important material to you through educational panels, keynote speakers and workshops.
Information and registration here.

The Next Wave Conference
Oct. 26, 2015, 7pm ET
The New Yorker Hotel, New York, NY
We live in an age where data is constantly being collected — from which products you purchase on retail websites, to where you go with your phone in your pocket, to how you perform in school or on the job, and which TV shows you watch on streaming services. But who is collecting this data and what are they doing with it? What does it tell businesses and educational institutions about you, are they using it to benefit you, and are they handling this knowledge responsibly? Join us and others tackling these questions about data for a lively day and a half exchange of information and ideas.
Information and registration here.

Knight-Bagehot 40th Anniversary Gala
Oct. 29, 2015, 6-10pm ET
Marriott Marquis in Times Square, New York, NY
The Knight-Bagehot Fellowship celebrates its 40th anniversary. Our guest of honor will be Joseph Stiglitz, American Economist and Columbia University Professor. The evening will feature a keynote address by Randall Stephenson, Chairman and CEO of AT&T. The dinner is co-chaired by H. Rodgin Cohen of Sullivan & Cromwell, Alberto Ibarguen of John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Brian T. Moynihan of Bank of America, Douglas L. Peterson of McGraw Hill Financial and Tom Speechley of The Abraaj Group. Use this reply form to make a reservation. Contact: Gary Hill, 212-854-6840,
Information here.


Tow Tea: Parsing Tech Talk
Nov. 5, 2015, 4-5:30 ET
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The Tow Center for Digital Journalism hosts Farai Chideya of The Intercept, Josh Begley of The Intercept and Marguerite Holloway of Columbia Journalism School for a Tow Tea discussion on “Parsing Tech Talk”.
Register here.

Data, Democracy and the Human Story: A Conversation with Members of Deep Lab
Nov. 5, 2015, 6:30-8pm CDT
Wintrust Hall, Loyola University Chicago Quinlan School of Business
Simone Browne, Ingrid Burrington, and Allison Burtch will discuss how their work as artists, critics and members of the Deep Lab collective engages with issues of privacy, security and surveillance.
Register here.

5th International Symposium on Digital Ethics
Nov. 6, 2015, 9am-4pm CDT
Loyola University Chicago Water Tower Campus
Featuring artist and activist Hasan Elahi; Goodvertising founder Thomas Kolster; Wearable Technology Designer Maggie Orth; NPR Music Editor Jacob Ganz and a host of other scholars and researcher presenting new research on digital ethics.
Register here.

Using Social Data for Social Good Workshop
Nov. 7, 2015, 9am-4pm CDT
Loyola University Chicago Water Tower Campus
Featuring Check 12’s Andrew Salter; mRelief’s Rose Afriyie; Derek Edder from Datamade; Farida Viz; Twitter’s Brett Taylor and many more.
Register here.

Latest in Longform Conference
Nov. 7, 2015, 9 am PT
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Berkeley, CA
The second annual “Latest in Longform” conference promises to be one of the most sizzling events of the year for those exploring the creative edges and the best traditions of nonfiction storytelling. Under the direction of journalist and UC Berkeley alum Constance Hale, top writers and editors will join an audience of talented journalists for an bracing, all-day conversation about the state of literary nonfiction. Keynote conversations with Julia Turner, Douglas McGray, and Rebecca Solnit will look at the landscape for groundbreaking work — whether online, in glossy magazines, or in books. Provocative panels and intensive workshops will focus on the craft. Optional master classes on Sunday, November 8, will allow attendees to dig deeper, developing new skills and insight. The fee is $275.
More information here.

2015 ICFJ Awards
Nov. 10, 2015
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C.
The International Center for Journalists we will honor the achievements of four colleagues whose outstanding coverage has made a huge impact: Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, photojournalist Lynsey Addario, Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez, and Indian investigative journalist Priyanka Dubey.
More information and registration here.

The Newswomen’s Club of New York’s Front Page Awards
Nov. 12, 2015
New York, NY
The Front Page Awards, established in 1937-1938, are one of the few awards in the world that expressly recognize journalistic excellence by newswomen. The contest this year will honor female journalists in 44 categories, spanning online, television, radio, newspapers, wires, photography and magazines.
More information here.

The Transparency Series: Illustration (Workshop)
Nov. 14, 2015, all day ET
Pulitzer Hall, The Brown Institute, Columbia Journalism School
In this daylong workshop, Ellen Weinstein, world-renowned illustrator and frequent contributor to many publications, will introduce basic visual thinking skills that will lead you through visualizing a story from text. How do you employ visual metaphors without being cliche? How do you create visual empathy with a subject? When is humor appropriate? During the day, we will create, discuss and think about word and image, not as separate entities but as halves of a whole. The Transparency Series is A unique set of seminars and hands-on workshops that bring new technology and design ideas to the Columbia Journalism community. Our goal is simple — help students learn new ways to find and tell stories, new ways to inform and entertain. Each topic will commence with a Friday evening panel discussion and will follow with a Saturday hands-on workshop centered around building. Contact: Michael Krisch, 212-854-9756.
More information here.

Digiday Programmatic Summit 2015
Nov. 15-17, 2015
Nashville, TN
The summit will address how brands, agencies and publishers are adjusting to the changing dynamics of modern media buying.
More information here.

Streaming Media West 2015
Nov. 16-18, 2015
Huntington Beach, Calif.
The event hosts content owners, viral video creators, online marketers, broadcast professionals and ad agencies to learn the latest online video technology.
Register here; use hashtag #SMWest.

Tow Tea: FOIA Workshop
Nov. 19, 2015, 4-5:30 ET
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The Tow Center for Digital Journalism will host a workshop on accessing and collecting data and information made available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Freedom of Information Act is a law that gives individuals the right to access information from the federal government.
Register here.


Tow Tea: Network Analysis for Investigative Journalism
Dec. 3, 2015, 4-5:30 ET
Pulitzer Hall, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY
The Tow Center for Digital Journalism is pleased to host a Tow Tea with Sheila Coronel, Academic Dean of Columbia Journalism School, regarding Network Analysis for Investigative Journalism. Dean Coronel will be joined by a number of other speakers, to be confirmed.
Register here.

The Transparency Series: Networks (Workshop)
Dec. 5, 2015, all day ET
Pulitzer Hall, The Brown Institute, Columbia Journalism School
This workshop will focus on the creative and critical use of complex networks through relationship mapping and visual analysis in order to expand the individual’s thinking about the network as a medium. Starting from hand drawn simple graph diagrams, participants gradually build complex network models. Emphasis will be on network mapping / modeling, relational thinking, centrality and clustering analysis and information design. The Transparency Series is A unique set of seminars and hands-on workshops that bring new technology and design ideas to the Columbia Journalism community. Our goal is simple — help students learn new ways to find and tell stories, new ways to inform and entertain. Each topic will commence with a Friday evening panel discussion and will follow with a Saturday hands-on workshop centered around building. Contact:Michael Krisch, 212-854-9756.
More information here.

For a roundup of must-go journalism conferences, see Contently’s list here.

Sonia Paul is a freelance journalist based in India, and is the editorial assistant at MediaShift. Her work has appeared in a broad range of media, including the Al Jazeera Media Network, Caravan, Foreign Policy, Guardian, Mashable, New York Times, PRI’s The World, Roads & Kingdoms and VICE News. She previously produced the grant-funded podcast series Shizuoka Speaks, based in Japan. She is on Twitter and Instagram @sonipaul.

Sonia Paul :Sonia Paul is an independent journalist and radio producer, and contributing editor at MediaShift. She is a senior fellow with the Fund for Investigative Journalism and Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University. Her stories have aired and published in numerous media outlets, including NPR, New York Times, Public Radio International, Foreign Policy, VICE News, Backchannel, 60dB and Roads & Kingdoms. She is on Twitter and Instagram @sonipaul.

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