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EdShift Chat: How To Shoot Video on Mobile Devices

We’re at a point where the video capability on our phones nearly matches that of expensive video cameras. For those teaching students and professionals how to shoot video, mobile considerations are key.

Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time/12 p.m. Central Time/10 a.m. Pacific Time for our #EdShift Twitter chat about teaching and using video. We’ll cover how journalists and educators should approach video — especially new technology that allows video to be captured and edited entirely on mobile devices.

The chat, which you can find by searching for the #EdShift hashtag on Twitter, will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and guests will include Kyle “Kylos” Brannon of American University, Mark E. Johnson of the University of Georgia, Deb Wenger of the University of Mississippi and more.

If you’re interested in learning more about smartphone video, Brannon will host a DigitalEd training, Smartphone Filmmaking 101, on Oct. 7.

In case you missed it, here’s a Storify compilation of the chat conversation.

Stacy Forster :

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