1. Podcast collective Radiotopia has a new leader (Nicholas Quah / Nieman Lab)
2. Local news startups link engagement to revenue (Michele McLellan / Knight Digital Media Center)
3. Grasswire relaunches its crowdsourced Wikipedia of news (Mathew Ingram / Fortune)
4. ‘We aren’t in the news business, we’re in the understanding business’– Q&A with Mathew Ingram (Mădălina Ciobanu / Journalism.co.uk)
5. Amazon’s Prime Instant Video expands offline viewing to iOS, Android services (Natalie Jarvey / The Hollywood Reporter)
6. Soul-searching in TV land over the challenges of a new golden age (John Koblin / New York Times)
7. What the arrest of two journalists tells us about Turkey—and Vice (David A. Graham / The Atlantic)
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