Categories: #EdShift Chats

#EdShift Chat: Reporting on Trauma in the Social Media Age

Photo of a reporter by Ajay Suresh, from Flickr Creative Commons

Photo by Ajay Suresh, from Flickr Creative Commons

Reporting on trauma is challenging and emotional enough without the added stress of how to handle and cover graphic video, photos or first-hand accounts being shared on social media. Those covering the shooting Wednesday of two journalists from Roanoke, Virginia’s WDBJ during a live shot grappled with how to use the video shared by the shooter on social media, and news stations across the country are debating how to manage using live shots in their broadcasts.

Our #EdShift chat on Twitter on Tuesday, Sept. 1, will explore how reporters and journalism students should approach using social media and technology when reporting on trauma. Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern Time / 12 p.m. Central Time / 10 a.m. Pacific Time as we discuss what reporters and journalism students can learn from coverage of the Roanoke shooting and other traumatic events.

The chat will be moderated by Stacy Forster of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and guests will include Amy Schmitz Weiss of San Diego State UniversityKatherine Reed of the University of Missouri, Bruce Shapiro of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, Jenni Sargent of the Eyewitness Media Hub, Kenna Griffin of Oklahoma City University and more.

Here is a Storify compilation of the chat.

Stacy Forster :

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