Categories: Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, August 18, 2015

1. The covert world of people trying to edit Wikipedia—for pay (Joe Pinsker / The Atlantic)

2. A trail of evidence leading to AT&T’s partnership with the NSA (via ProPublica)

3. Comcast’s ‘Watchable’ streaming portal to give creators a bigger cut of ad revenue (Shalini Ramachandran / Wall Street Journal)

4. Six weeks into its micropayment strategy, Winnipeg Free Press preps for a “slow building process” (Joseph Lichterman / Nieman Lab)

5. Infographic: Why aren’t there more women in tech? (via Next Generation)

6. BuzzFeed looks to go viral in Japanese (Shannon Bond / Financial Times) [Subscription]

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Julie Keck :Julie Keck is a social media consultant and filmmaker based in Chicago. She has spoken about social media engagement, crowdfunding, and film at SXSW, the University of Notre Dame, Columbia College, DePaul, the Chicago International Film Festival, and more. Julie is also the social media and newsletter editor for MediaShift. Play with her on Twitter at @kingisafink.

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