Categories: DigitalEd

DigitalEd: Data Viz 101: How to Transform Data into Interactive Stories

Data visualization sample from Carl V. Lewis

Data visualization sample from Carl V. Lewis

Title: Data Viz 101: How to Transform Data into Interactive Stories

Tips, tools, techniques – and why data visualization matters

Instructor: Carl V. Lewis. Data Journalist, Center for Collaborative Journalism

If the term “data visualization” leaves you either paralyzed by technological confusion or limited to boring Excel charts, this is just the course for you. This session will give participants a solid foundation and a wealth of easy-to-use, code-free resources – to find, clean, analyze and visualize data for producing interactive data stories like this.

The proliferation of limitless data into almost every sector – from non-profits to banks, small businesses and media organizations – has made it more important than ever to have people who can help users and business owners navigate through the sea of information by contextualizing and visualizing mass datasets into easy-to-understand narratives.

What you’ll learn from this training:

  1. Why, how, and when to use data visualization as an art and science
  2. The basics of embedding iframes into content management systems such as WordPress or Drupal.
  3. The latest tools and apps that allow for on-the-fly visualization with little-to-no programming knowledge.
  4. How to create an interactive treemap of hierarchical spending data using simple tools.


  • Handout: Data Viz Tools and Tutorials Cheat-Sheet
  • Handout: Recommended readings, resources, blogs.
  • Data Visualization Explained, in a Single Venn Diagram
  • One-Page Guide to Choosing the Right Chart
  • Optional free e-book reading: “Data + Design: A simple introduction to preparing and visualizing information (2015)”

Who should take this training:

  • Journalists and media professionals who want to add an in-demand skill (without studying programming!)
  • Marketers seeking to demonstrate the ROI of campaigns and promotions to employers
  • Business strategists and decision-makers seeking better decision-making tools
  • Educators in math, science, communications/journalism and more seeking new ways to produce class materials and teach their students.
  • Anyone wishing to delve into the growing field of Big Data but in need of an introduction of where to start

Date and Time: August 5, 2015 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT

Price: $39

Note: If you can’t attend the live session, you can still register and see the archived video and ask questions of the instructor. Registration for BigMarker is required.

About the Instructor:

Carl V. Lewis is a newsroom data visualization developer, digital educator, data journalism consultant, product manager and award-winning former digital editor. Carl has nearly 8 years of experience in the media and technology industry. He holds a master’s degree in digital media and data visualization from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies from The Center for Collaborative Journalism at Mercer University. Previously, he worked as the Digital Media Manager and Online Editor for Savannah Morning News, where he quadrupled the publication’s weekly digital reach and launched an entirely new alt-weekly, DoSavannah, along with its website and mobile products. He likes spreadsheets and yogurt.

Carl Lewis :Carl V. Lewis is a newsroom data visualization developer, digital educator, data journalism consultant, product manager and award-winning former digital editor. He holds a master's degree in digital media and data visualization from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Previously, he worked as the Digital Media Manager and Online Editor for Savannah Morning News.

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